Revelation | Pt. 6 - The Church Of Thyatira (Jezebel)

1 year ago

7 churches get performance evaluations
God is watching the performance of our church
Break down of a couple words
Angel = Messenger (heavenly or earthly)
In this case = the pastor
Pastors job = hear, assimilate and communicate
If God is going to speak to a church it’s to the pastor first
He does not bypass spiritual authority
Church = Ecclesia
Ecclesia = Called out ones, separated assembly of people
2nd Corinthians 6:14-16
Church is not meant to blend in with the culture
Different to make a difference
This was difficult in Thyatira
Thyatira was 25 miles east of Pergamum
Pergamum was an incredible city; governor lived there along with wealthy
So much wealth invaders from the east wanted to sack the city
Pergamum developed Thyatira as a military outpost
Small city yet important city
Military outpost with thousands of soldiers
This many soldiers required a strong economy and diverse industry
Needs of weapons, clothes, food and etc...
All these industries came to Thyatira
Extremely important to understand Christ's words about Jezebel
With these industries came trade guilds
Trade Guilds = Unions
To have a job you had to be a member of a trade guild
Problematic for Christians
Each trade guild had a god they worshipped
Required to attend trade guilds meetings
Began with giving thanks to the god, eating sacrificed meat, drunk, lead to other debauchery
Members were expected to attend and participate
Christians were in between a rock and a hard place
Refuse to worship = no job
Worship false gods = abandon true God
This is at the center of what Christ says to this church and Jezebel
Revelation 2:18-25
Wow = God is not happy
With eyes like blazing fire
Ever look into a fire?
I love fire - very calming, mesmerizing and captivating
John could not escape being captivated by the eyes of Jesus
His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace = VERY significant
Bonze = Chalkolibano
CHALKOS - brass or bronze (represents judgement)
LIBANOS - frankincense (represnts prayer in Holy of Holies)
Strabge word'
CHALKOLIBANO - bronze doused with frankincense
Picture of judgement doused with prayer
Jesus is coming as judge
5 of 7 churches have BIG problems
Jesus says repent
Christ is coming with judgement but He is not in a rush
Bronze - heavy metal, hard to move and slow to move
Christ moves patiently in His judgement
He gives us time to repent
Jesus is not running to judge; he is patient in His judgement
God is so merciful and gives us time to repent but there does come a day when His judgement is enacted
But here Jezebel refuses
What did Jezebel do to upset the Lord so greatly?
Telling Christians to remain in the trade guilds to keep their jobs
Don't need to be different after all; God loves you no matter what
Who is this woman referred to as Jezebel?
Not her name but a label
Scholars believe it was the pastors wife
2 earliest manuscripts = Your woman Jezebel
Pastors wife was using his platform to lead God's people into sin
We are blessed at Sheridan with Kendra
Pastors wife in Thyatira was operating under a spirit of Jezebel
Active spirit in the USA as well
Can we go deeper into Jezebel?
OT character; foreigner from Phoenicia
Priestess of Baal; married to king Ahab of Israel
Wicked woman
Pophets of Baal state employees in Israel
Killed the prophets of God
Tried killing Elijah
Wicked woman who manipulated God's people to worship false gods
Spirit of Jezebel is manipulation and deception
Elijah prophesied the dogs would eat her
2nd Kings 9:30-37
It’s time to throw Jezebel out of the church
Why not the hands, feet or head?
Proverbs 6:16-19
Jezebel was all 7
Even the dogs had enough discernment to recognize the evil of Jezebel
Want to know the real problem with OT and NT Jezebel?
No fear of the Lord
Easy to forget that God is God
We create God in our image and likeness
Make him common and ordinary
God is holy
Yeah but that is OT; I'm more into the NT stuff
Acts 5 = Annianais and Sapphira
Commit to give a gift he withholds and lies and dies
Sin and the presence of God cannot dwell together
Acts 5:7-11
Same God struck down OT & NT Jezebel
Why would God do such a thing?
Not my God
Your God may not be the God of the Bible then
These stories all have 1 thing in common - No Fear Of God
Those who saw them walked away with the Fear of the Lord
Who fear you will serve
What is the Fear of God?
1. Reverence
Honor - Baseball ~Steve Napier
2. Obedience.
Obeying God often disappoints people
Obeying God often draws the criticism of people
Example - Noah
God speaks to him at 600 years old
Not a boat builder; farmer; never rained
People criticized him’
Hebrews 11:7
Noah feared God
Took God seriously
Abraham feared God and the Bible says that is why God called him a friend
Difference in being afraid of God and fear of God
Boss example
We are not equals with God
We are citizens and He is King
Exodus 20:20
Person scared of God has something to hide
Person who has the fear of God has nothing to hide
Revelation 2:26-29

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