Truth + THIS Key Biblical Doctrine Can Save America & Liberty | Liberty Hour Ep. 16

1 year ago

In this February 2, 2023, episode of Liberty Hour with Alex Newman, two incredible guests--former Reagan diplomat Alan Keyes and Pastor Matt Trewhella--explain how to save America and Liberty.

Learn about the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates, the historic Christian and biblical understanding about the duty of "lesser magistrates"--in our context, mayors, governors, sheriffs, lawmakers, etc--to resist evil by higher magistrates.

Pastor Trewhella is the leading expert on this and even had the Magdeburg Confession that laid it out translated into English. Do NOT miss this!

Also, Dr. Keyes, who served as Assistant U.S. Secretary of State and U.S. Ambassador to the UN Economic and Social Council, gives an eloquent presentation on the transcendent truths that underpin America, and how we can save the country.

This is what was covered in the news:

--U.S. Air Force Gen. Mike Minihan warned of US war with Communist China conflict by 2025.

--Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said 20 Chinese crossed into its air space, and that it responded.

3--Debt ceiling fight: Latest news, McCarthy has a pathetic demand to not INCREASE spending. WHAT?!

--Governor Ron DeSantis finally responds to Trump criticism, but without mentioning Trump.

--Nikki Haley, Trump’s UN ambassador, is going to run, according to a pro-Haley propaganda piece by Reuters, citing “sources” with knowledge. Haley has repeatedly and viciously attacked Trump:

--Trump, setting himself apart from warmongering GOP rivals, says he would negotiate peace between Russia and Ukraine in one day.

--Congressman Andy Biggs of AZ announced he was filing impeachment articles against DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. “I have a congressional responsibility to impeach figures who are in dereliction of their duties and commit crimes,” he said. “If we don't impeach him, his attack on this nation will continue.”

-- Congress votes to end the pandemic the day after WH announced it would lift the emergency in a few months. Remember “two weeks to flatten the curve”? We’re now about 3 years in!

--Despite some good things happening, GOP leadership has still not changed much. Coming betrayal, according to David Stockman, Reagan’s budget director, who I spoke with yesterday. He argues that 3 biggest threats to free markets and constitutional liberty are climate hoax, rampant spending, rogue central bankers. And yet most important GOP committee chairs on these issues are ALL on wrong side.

-- Minnesota adopts the most extreme abortion law in America:

--Catholic Bishop blasts Biden’s “fake Catholicism” over his lies and his promotion of murdering babies.

--A distraught Virginia mother testified about how her daughter Sage was brainwashed in a government school to believe she was a boy, then trafficked and horrifically abused by predators multiple times thanks to CPS efforts to “protect” her from her family, which was accused of not “affirming” their daughter’s confusion about her gender.

--Just met with dozens of lawmakers in Missouri who are also working on efforts to protect children from this evil.

--The Federal Reserve cartel announced another interest rate hike to start 2023, the central bank's eighth consecutive hike.

--Eminent MIT Prof & expert on drug safety analytics Professor Retsef Levi, MIT Expert in Analytics, Risk Management, Health Systems, Food & Agriculture Systems, Manufacturing & Supply Chain Management calls for immediate suspension of all covid mRNA vaccines because of unprecedented level of harm including the death of young people and children.

--CDC is aware of horrible problems in some vaxxed individuals, according to one of its senior officials.

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