THE MERGE 101 (Training)

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What if God raised up a people who wanted to be "The Church" and not just go to church?

What if His Church was seen as what happens throughout a region, and not in a building?

What if you were a part of a Church that you couldn't join, because you already belong as family through an encounter with Jesus?

What if there were those who understood that the value of being family was as precious to God as it is to the yearnings of our own heart?

What if the gatherings we have were more relational and purposefully impacting than simply watching others do it over us?

What if we began to function with the equipping and training and ministry that God has developed in our lives in practical ways?

What if success in the Kingdom realm was measured by heart condition, love for one another, and passionate worship of Jesus?

What if success wasn't measured by attendance, offerings and charismatic personalities?

What if ministry opportunities were not seen as promotions but rather leadings of the Holy Spirit into greater humility and love to the One's He died for?

What if there was something that went beyond the normal movement, denomination, or network relationships into family, destiny, and a community of laid down lovers?

What if there was no hype but rather holiness and power and humble love?

What would happen if the goal was Him?

What would happen if servants laid down agenda's and collectively picked up His agenda?

What would happen if fulfilling our vision, was fulfilling His Dream?

What would happen if there were a people who sowed into the Kingdom, and not into an institution?

What would happen if people joined "The Dream of God" rather than simply joining a place out of duty to satisfy the societal and religious obligations?

It's NOT church as usual.... but it is The Church!

There is...
it's called
"The Mountain"

... as ministries and churches throughout the region gather for One...

... come merge... be a part of something bigger than just your thing ...
be a part of an Awesome God thing...
"...That they may be one..."
The Lame Will Walk!

Nights to Anoint, Commission, Impart & Empower!

MERGE Guidelines –

The only real structure set up in MOW is to have facilitators of the MERGE meetings. Danny has encouraged us to be seen as “keepers of the vision”. What we are wanting to see is something that the Lord gave to Danny in a powerful three week period of open visions about the emerging Church. Our desire is not to MAKE that happen, but rather WATCH that happen. Our desire is not to CONTROL the flow, but to keep the vision by not letting it get off track and into areas that will be a distraction from the main theme of "Fulfilling The Dream of Father God in our region, to see every knee bow, every tongue tell ... that Jesus is Lord." We believe the leader of the meeting is the Holy Spirit, and such we allow Him to direct freely. Freedom in worship and the meeting is very important to protect. There are no preconceived “agendas” in the MERGE meetings, in other words, if you come in with a prepared message, this is not the place to bring it! MERGE meetings are not a platform for anyone to self promote. We are to function as a team seeking God’s heart together.

During the meetings, the only submission is to the presence of the Holy Spirit. In submitting to Him, we get all that we need; physical healings, emotional healings, and deliverance. The presence also uncovers sin to get healed and restored. When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, your true giftings will manifest.

Any revelation that is given to you by the Holy Spirit during the worship time can be shared with everyone in the group. This means it is a word for “now”, a fresh revelation, not a past experience, testimony, etc. This is also to teach the body themselves to discern whether or not a word is from God.
Anything that is shared also should be able to be backed by a scriptural reference and put in terms that everyone can understand and receive. And be succinct and to the point, meaning it is not more than 5-10 minutes in length.

One other note. Unless you are previously designated by an individual as given authority to speak into their life, you should not speak to another of their faults unless you have directly received an offense from them.


Freedom ~ Joy ~ Love ~ Worship ~ Ministry ~ Spontaneity

Come expecting to be moved on by God … and to move in God … to be both a receiver AND a carrier of His Presence!

Kids remain with us during worship...

If you simply stay in your seat... you haven't engaged in the Merge!

If you don't get prayer.... you probably haven't really been to The Merge!

If you don't have fun... you definitely have not been to The Merge!

If you don't engage in some way, you may have seen The Merge, but really haven't Merged yet!

Housekeeping Notes:

Offerings are spontaneous THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE NIGHT.... (basket is up front) give as a part of your worship... out of gratitude (the offerings help pay for the facility, bless the worship leaders and musicians, and continue to release ministry

Children are to be children... but should not become the center of attention and definitely should be under the eyes of their parents, making sure they don't abuse furniture or anything else, or go to areas of the building outside of our gathering. Children are more than welcome to engage in ministry.

Banners are a part of our worship and we enjoy them up front as well as throughout the facility. Please make sure to express your worship without hitting people around you!

Art is also an expression that we welcome during our worship. Please bring your own drop cloth and make sure that your expression stays on your canvas or cloth!

If you have Word from the Lord (NOT PREVIOUSLY PREPARED) we invite you to share it after worship.

Physical Expression is an important part of worship.... which includes dancing, kneeling, laying down, and engaging in ministry … all of which is totally acceptable. Joy is encouraged. Love is highly recommended. Ministering to each other THROUGHOUT the evening is a part of what happens when we Merge!

Enjoy yourself..... Receive the love of the Father... and give that love freely to each other! Enjoy freedom.... everyone does!

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