The Father Who Left His Kid A Treasure | Untranslated Islam #4

1 year ago

Untranslated Islam, with Ben Yusef
Episode 4: We Save Our Families By Living Right

In parenting, the fallacious 'Do as I say, not as I do..' method never holds up. Rather, it is imperative that we, as parents, set forth a tangible example for our children to follow, including recognition of our mistakes and weaknesses, and sincere effort to correct; and most importantly, guidance to the infallible Divine Scripture, and example of God's Messenger to keep us on the right way.

Let's benefit together, and learn the dire importance of us saving ourselves and our families, by being our very best selves, and also role models and caretakers for them.

For more detail, see the timestamps below:

0:00 Intro
01:25 A review of the hadith of Abu Bakr's First Hijrah Attempt
21:15 The good Christian king
24:35 - Benefits from the hadith- Pertinent importance upon us, as parents, to BE examples of righteousness and morality for our families.
25:55 - Proofs from Quran about being good parents
26:30 - Fuel for Hell- human bodies and Sulfur stones
27:45 - The greatest losers are those who cause loss to both them and their families!
30:30 - Even the most righteous may have family that stray...But do your best!
32:10 - "Do as I say, not as I do" is simply not enough. Rather, it teaches hypocrisy of action!
32:30 - Shu'ayb (AS) to his people...Major Benefit!
34:45 - Aishah's benefit from the example of her righteous parents-
35:50 - The earlier you get yourself right, the better for them... and the opposite!
40:00 - Benefit from story of Khidr- the 2 boys were orphans of a righteous man, so Allah looked out for them... and the opposite is true
43:20 - What you do to others children, may be done to yours!


Untranslated Islam aims to spread Islamic knowledge among English speaking Muslims through translating new Arabic sources and linking it to our everyday lives.

Your support at this early stage of the show will have a great impact on its future and longevity.
(☝️ exclusive episodes to come soon InShaAllah)

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