Ronald Bernard: Real powers behind the scenes - January 27, 2019

1 year ago

Sacha Stone interviews Ronald Bernard back in 2019. He mentions the 8,500 people in the top capstone of power controlling both sides of world conflicts.
He says the 3 districts of the world are Washington DC which is the MILITARY, London which is the FINANCIAL, and the Vatican which is the SPIRITUAL.

The OFFICIAL WORLD is the SHADOW WORLD and not the world we see on the surface. You can fake any paper you want in the shadow world. You are born into this world and you are given a BIRTH CERTIFICATE and there is a VALUE$$ attached to that birth certificate. Your country is a CORPORATION and parents sign away the sovereignty of their new born baby to get the BIRTH CERTIFICATE and they get their SLAVERY NUMBER#. The moment a baby is born in the Netherlands and gets a birth certificate its value is 500,000 EURO$ which they calculate that the baby will bring in the future that you will pay back to the state through TAXES to pay off the 500,000 EURO$. In some countries your birth certificate is on a STOCKMARKET (NOTE: Jordan Maxwell has mentioned this 20 years ago and recently Catherine Austin Fitts has mentioned this and she even used this site (Below) to enter your BIRTH CERTIFICATE# to see what VALUE$$ on the stock exchange the state believes you are worth. ). It is all arranged by LAW.

When you work with these people they are scanning you & doing background checks and always looking for your WEAK SPOTS (To manipulate you). In that Shadow Financial World they have conferences with symbols & numbers. Ronald later learned the CODES & NUMBERS behind things. Most of the people on earth can be either BOUGHT$ or BLACKMAILED.

The masonic banking system is not the top but they are run by this 8,500 Satanic people in the top capstone of power. Ronald discovered that we are multi-dimensional people amongst different frequencies. They understand DUALITIES like dark and light etc...

They are literally following the REVELATIONS of the bible of what is coming next like the rebirth of Israel/Palestine in 1948 as it was all written in the prophecies and THEY are RUNNING THE SHOW (Making the prophecies seem like it is God making it happen but it is THEM making it happen). Other high level freemasons broke their OATHS and told Ronald the whole agenda. The END GAME they are working on is to create the 3rd temple in Jerusalem (Rebuild the Temple of Solomon).

The Nazis program (Nazi/Zionist agreement) in 1933 was to get the Jews (especially the Rich$ Jews) out of Germany and Europe and herd them to Palestine. Ronald is asked if the 6 million holocaust deaths are real and Ronald says if the Red Cross numbers are real (authentic) then it was 300,000 who died in the holocaust but he believes even that was too much as many were dying from slave labor and diseases during WW2. The Nazis were working with the political Zionists from 1933 right up to 1942 and if these Zionists were true pure Jews of the 12th tribe of Israel (the original ones) then he can't understand why they would destroy their own people until he thinks about the MASONIC connection amongst the Zionists.

Before and during WW2 American industries were sitting across the table from the Nazis making deals$$$ (Remember General Smedley Butler and the US Elites planned the FASCIST take over of American back in 1935). And in the WW2 killing fields they did their BLOOD SACRIFICE with both sides getting killed. Banking is the main CONTROL over everyone. And all this is from the Luciferians who live outside of the 4th dimensions of our world as people call them DEMONS, JINNS, and other names as these entities that live outside of our 4th dimensions live & suck off of the SUFFERING, PAIN, and NEGATIVE EMOTIONS which is why they always cause WARS as they need it!

The PROGRAM is run from the BANKING SYSTEM where we run out of CASH and it becomes all DIGITAL (CBDC's) to put us in a digital prison. Ronald believes THEY invented BITCOIN & CRYPTO as well as you can even find the WHITEPAPERS from the NSA back in 1995 as they were already then describing everything and Ronald says there are BACK DOORS in them and are not free. But says Crypto is being used in a positive way as well.
(I would also mention that this isn't surprising as the Cypherpunk community was working on crypto in the 1990's and they had everything to invent Bitcoin back then EXCEPT how to make it work without TRUST as E-CASH crypto failed in the mid 1990's until 2008 when Satoshi Nakamoto (pseudonym) invented a decentralized program to validate transactions which became a TRUSTLESS SYSTEM of the blockchain with different miners in different countries all working together on the validation of the transactions put into the blockchain every 10 minutes to earn the bitcoin rewards$).

Ronald recalls the day he died which was an OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE where he SAW himself in the hospital and realized he was so much more than a human slave. Ronald says he has seen the new world in other dimensions being built. Talks about a reality with much more AWARENESS where you can FEEL COLORS. Ronald's heart had stopped beating in the hospital and he saw people working on his body and saw his mother crying. Over 22 years on the positive side of life now where he has built up that connection with the source of life, the creator where he doesn't have a monologue with it but a dialogue with it. In this FREEMASONRY PROGRAM they want us like BATTERIES as the ultimate harvest but it all comes down to our FREE WILL to choose!!


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B of Joy
A cooperative fairtrade pro-life bank in formation B of Joy is a citizens’ initiative by professionals. We will introduce the fixed-value currency ‘URA’. As soon as we have more than 10,000 members, we will apply for a banking license. We don’t use interest, and for this reason, we are the first sustainable financial initiative in Europe. Interest is like a parasite: it causes shortages and crises just like the current global crisis. Instead of interest, we offer Financial, Ecological, Emotional and Social returns (F.E.E.S.), on the basis of natural growth. We invest in local economies and sustainable projects for a healthy and just
society: a bank of, for and by the people, in which we will manage our money ourselves.

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