WW2 Rebuilder | A War Themed Construction Simulator

1 year ago

Hello Im Skill Incarnate and Welcome to My Games Review Series.
My reviews cover indie games that i have bought, had gifted to me and have been provided by developers for review.

In this episode I check out the War Themed Simulation game called WW2 Rebuilder. This game was developed by Madnetic Games and was published by my friends at Playway SA, who are becoming the market leader on Simulation Titles on Steam.
WW2 Rebuilder takes place at the conclusion of WW2, where a young engineer who has lost his family to the horrors of war, goes on a quest to restore towns destroyed by the war and make them safe for a new Generation to live in. Along the way youll also need to master a range of 1940s tools including welders, hammers and wrenches as you demolish the ruins of the old to make way for the new.

This is one Playways best simulation game to date with a a new approach to demolition and construction as well as giving players a glimpse into the history of the war

Please note: All opinions in this video are my own. Game was provided by the developer for review purposes


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WW2 Rebuilder on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1573280/WW2_Rebuilder/


It’s 1945. It’s the end of World War II, the war that left a mark. Now people like you have to leave their hometowns to rebuild their countries. Motivated by different reasons, they get set on the same quest - to repair and renovate places completely destroyed during the war.

Visit monuments and buildings, stumble upon their history and take part in the biggest rebuilding missions. Meet civilians from England, Germany and France and guide them through the process. Through the journey you will collect resources and craft materials to flip houses, repair industrial buildings, roads and squares. Pick up a hummer or a trowel, drive in a bulldozer, become a mechanic and operator of various machines like a crane, drive jeep cars and bicycles. Clean up the area, defuse and get rid of the bombs and design the new look of a place by decorating.

You can already play our game’s Demo that involves a map of Gimbert Station or a Germany Prologue with the area of St. Nicholas Church for FREE

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