HOW TO GROW WEED 2023 UPDATE – Seed to Harvest – Complete Beginner’s Guide for New Growers

1 year ago

This is the shortest most detailed video on how to grow weed at home for new growers. I tried to make this beginner friendly and as easy as possible!

It has been created and data was mathematically calculated and verified in my live grow journal as well as verified by hundreds of users on my discord.

A cheat sheet is included here(click photo):

It will tell you what to do for each week of the plants life and all of it is based on multiple harvests and actual experience.

The time frame from seed to harvest is 3-5 months and there are essential supplies and equipment to have decent yields. The bare minimum is a grow light in a closet, preferably with white walls. Marijuana plants need plenty of light and without it, you will NOT produce any buds that are worth growing. LED’s are the best lights at the moment and the rule of thumb I use, 30 Watts for each square foot of grow space. A light is a plants MVP so if you’re going to spend your money on anything, spend it on a light. A decent light for 3 plants will cost around $150. You’ll also need a timed outlet or surge to control the day and night cycle.

Our Picks: (clip coupon if available):


3 x 3 TENT

4 x 2 TENT

2 x 2 TENT

4 x 4 TENT


All of the recommendations are based on actual use:
Bloom Plus:
Verified Grow:

Spider Farmer:
Verified Grow:

Mars Hydro FC6500:
Unboxing of FC-6500: LINK - currently using, working great so far, journal to follow.

Next, you’ll need soil and pots. The soil I use is froggy soil which barely has any nutrients but another great option for Autoflowers is ProMix HP

Each plant you grow will need it’s own pot and there is a direct correlation between the size of the pot and how big a plant can grow. We recommend 5 gallon pots for regular plants and autoflowers. More information on that below.   

live by the cheat sheet die by the cheat sheet

Throughout your plant’s life, you’ll have to add nutrients that are essential for growth. Plants absorb different nutrients at different pH’s and the majority of problems with growing weed stems from nutrients. If a plant can’t absorb nutrients, it can’t eat. So, you’ll have to manually set your waters pH. To do this, you’ll need both pH Up or Down and a pH meter and slowly add pH down until your meter reads the pH you want.

Always pH balance your water AFTER all nutrients and supplements are added. The easiest starter set of nutrients is General Hydroponics Flora Trio is what we base our charts in this video on. You’ll also need cal mag which will helps build healthy cell walls and improves photosynthesis.   

Also required is a small fan to supply fresh air, strengthen your stems, prevent pockets of humidity and assist in warding off pests.

Last, you will need a thermometer hygrometer combo which youll use to measure the temperature and humidity.

The rest of the items are optional and you could skip this next part to 4:07

Once you have your equipment, find a place that is about 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit. The light will usually bring the temperature of your space up 10 degrees leaving you with the ideal temperature of 70-80 degrees. Next, you’ll need seeds or clones. There are hundreds of strains to choose from and let me break down the 3 types of seeds that exist which will save you time and guesswork. VIDEO ON HOW TO CHOOSE A STRAIN

They are:

Regular seeds – These have 50/50 odds of being male or female. You do NOT want male plants unless you plan on breeding. Instead of producing buds, male plants produce pollen. Female plants are pollenates, it will make them produce seeds instead of buds. Regular seeds are also known as photoperiods. Which means you could control these plants by dropping the light cycle down to less than 12 hours a day.  
Feminized seeds – These are seeds that are exactly like regular seeds except they will always be female. These are great because you wont have worry about growing any males.

Autoflowers –These plants will need a constant 18 hours of light each day throughout their whole lives. After about 5 weeks, they will automatically start producing buds. The problem with autoflowers is that once they start flowering, it’s the beginning of the end of the plants growth. At times, you could end up with really small plant. You also cant clone autoflowers, so for beginners, I would highly recommend feminized photoperiods. Also, cloning them is basically useless.   

There are multiple ways to germinate the seeds, but for the purpose of making it easy, simply find a warm spot to place a mug. Fill the mug halfway with room temperature water and add pH down until it reads 5.8. Then add a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide so that any germs that develop are killed and the water is oxygenated. Now add your seed(s) to the water and they’ll probably float. Leave them floating on the top and cover the mug with some aluminum foil. Now place the mug in the warm room (around 85 degrees) and check on it every day.

During this time, its a good idea to prepare feeding water. To do so, just take a large bucket or tub and fill it up with tap water. The more surface area exposed to air, the better. Then add 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide per gallon of water and let this sit for at least 24 hours to let the chlorine evaporate.

As soon as you see a small tap root comes out of the seed(usually 1 day), you want to transfer it to pot of moist NOT wet soil. HOW TO MAKE MOIST SOIL. Poke a hole into the soil and place the seed in with the root pointing down. Once the seed is in, you could lightly cover the top with loose soil. You'll need high humidity for these young plants, and a easy way to do that is to cover the top with a clear plastic bottle with some holes on it. Place a light about two feet above the plants on its lowest setting with the timer on 18 hours per day.

Keep the cheat sheet close by.

Now the rest of growing will be based on this handy cheat sheet I designed to guide you. There is two tabs, one for regular and one for autoflowers, so make sure you're on the right one. Once you understand this chart, you wont need to watch anymore tutorials.

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