Canada: Liberal MPs on health funding, Quebec daycare crash, Official Languages Act – February 8, 2023

1 year ago

Cabinet ministers and Liberal MPs speak with reporters on Parliament Hill as the federal party holds its weekly caucus meeting.
Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos faces questions on the federal government's health-care funding offer to the provinces and territories.
Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino and Quebec MPs Yves Robillard and Fayçal El-Khoury comment on the city bus that crashed into a daycare centre in Laval, Quebec.
Immigration Minister Sean Fraser responds to questions about the improving recognition of foreign credentials for health-care workers.
Official Languages Minister Ginette Petitpas Taylor, government House leader Mark Holland, MP Francis Drouin, chief government whip Steven MacKinnon, Crown-Relations Minister Marc Miller, and Justice Minister David Lametti are asked about the concerns of some of their caucus colleagues over C-13, the government's bill that proposes to modernize the Official Languages Act.

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