19 Year Old Turns Plastic to Fuel using Microwaves | NatureJab Pyrolysis

1 year ago

Julian "NatureJab" Brown is a 19-year-old kid from Tennesee that has turned plastic into fuel using microwaves by a process called pyrolysis.

Visit his website: https://www.naturejab.com/

Pyrolysis is the thermal decomposition of any organic matter in the absence of oxygen. As long as the material is organic, it can be used to produce fuel through pyrolysis. Plastic waste, food waste, construction waste, chemical or pesticide waste, medical waste, and so on, can all be pyrolyzed. Microwave Pyrolysis differs from Conventional Pyrolysis with its use of microwave energy. Since microwaves run off electricity, this allows the reactor to potentially be run by renewable resources, making all fuel products carbon negative.

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