Bella Ciao Palestine And 15 Year Old Italian Stands Up To Fascists

1 year ago

Bella Ciao anti-fascist Gaza's Great March of Return
Watch Italian pro-Palestine activists singing Bella Ciao, Italian Resistance song, as they pass an Israeli military checkpoint in occupied Hebron, southern West Bank.

Gaza’s Great March of Return protests explained
Here’s the backstory of the Great March of Return protests and the conditions that have brought Gaza to this point.

Remembering the Great March of Return
Apartheid Israeli forces have killed hundreds and injured thousands of Palestinian civilians including women, children, and health workers since March 30th, 2018. The restrictions on access to healthcare for injured demonstrators have intensified since then, leaving many to suffer the effects until today. Access to quality healthcare has also been compromised by the severe fragility of the Gaza health system resulting in part from 14 years of blockade. People left with permanent disabilities, amongst them children, suffer the consequences as seen in routine access to basic services and facilities such as schools, offices, and homes. All of this is of course compounded by the fact that the people in Gaza are dealing with COVID 19 pandemic, putting more strain on the fragile services and limited access to goods.

Nearly every Friday between 30 March 2018 and December 2019, protestors in the ‘Great March of Return’ demonstrations in Gaza, Palestine were met with hails of bullets from the Israeli army.

In December 2019, our teams in Gaza were treating more than 900 patients with gunshot wounds. Between the first protest in March 2018 and 30 November 2019, we admitted more than 4,830 people to our trauma clinics. More than 7,900 people were shot with live ammunition over this period, according to the Ministry of Health.

15-year-old Italian boy stands up to Fascists with logic, humility and compassion for the other (who is as much us).

“This thing of always going against minorities is not OK with me. When you then talk about European funds to invest in the neighbourhood, I think those funds must be spent on everyone. No one should be left behind. Neither the Italians, nor the Roma, nor the Africans should be abandoned.”

Terrorists 'helped by CIA' to stop rise of left in Italy

“to create tension within the country to promote conservative, reactionary social and political tendencies. While this strategy was being implemented, it was necessary to protect those behind it because evidence implicating them was being discovered. Witnesses
withheld information to cover right-wing extremists.

Jewish Voice for Peace - Human rights and right of return activists have released a video, titled “Bella Ciao,” using the famous anti-fascist Italian song set against images from the current March of Return in Gaza against Israel’s long reign of colonialism and apartheid. via Mondoweiss

More than 200 Palestinians, including 43 children, have been killed during Great March of Return protests since their launch 53 weeks ago.

Medical NGO: ‘What would be unimaginable elsewhere has become normal here in Gaza’

One year on from protests, Gaza civilians’ devastating injuries highlight urgent need for arms embargo on Israel

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1947 Origins of Gladio
"As early as 1947, the United States was constructing a clandestine network in Northern Italy to act in the event of a communist insurrection or electoral victory." (Wolfgang Achtner, Sunday Independent, 11/11/90)

~ClassWar ~Antiwar ~ BDS ~ @hatethemachine

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