1 year ago

The media is slowly setting the narrative for a staged UFO Attack that has been planned for the year 2024 for multiple decades.

Our Governments have colluded to become one united Global Terror Organization. They believe if they scare the hell out of the people of the world that when they push the narrative that the world must "unite" we will fall for their bullshit scheme of a One World Government.

We must have a Single Government on Planet Earth to beat these Aliens.

They will bring in a brand new Financial System, fade physical money out, move to Digital Currency, offer Digital Wallets with the grand finale...the mark of the beast, everyone will be assigned a Digital ID --for our own protection and the protection of others of course.

Wernher von Braun, a former Nazi V-2 rocket scientist in Germany who was saved from Nuremberg trials and brought to America by Project Paperclip to work for the Government (NASA) became an early whistleblower to the evil plans that the American Gov had for the people. It's pretty bad when a former Nazi from Germany is saying the USA Gov is evil.

Technology has been concealed from the public for over 100 years. Eisenhower made the deal with the Grays in which they could abduct and experiment with Americans in their underground world on Earth in trade for Alien technologies. He was warned by another race, the Pleiadeans not to do this as the Grays have no compassion for humans. But the deal was made and the contract was signed.

Expect to hear a lot more of these UFO's flying around the world, expect the media to continue to CONDITION the masses. Just like the Covid Pl-an-demic was run by fear, this will be also. They will likely use celebrities to push this narrative also. They want people to believe this could be the end of the world.

All the Militaries of the world are 100% in on this. They are already ONE. They also have what we call Antigravity technology. America has the TR-3B and many more and other countries have their own versions. So, these fighter jets racing around are all for show.

99.9% of the people in the military do not even have a clue, they just follow orders, plain and simple. They are brainwashed from within.

They also have Hologram technology as they trialed in 911 Gov attack on World Trade Towers. Those were NOT commercial Aluminum jets piercing steel beams and leaving absolutely no trace of a jet but a terrorist passport was discovered almost unblemished with fake charring? Wake up. Our government was the Terrorist.

The military has become so compartmentalized that very, very few know much of anything. One division may be told one thing and another division told something very different. Then you have a completely secret military and even that is compartmentalized.

What is scary is that they have mastered Direct Energy Weapons (Tesla Technology) and they can make this attack appear very real. In fact, the attack may be very real, it just won’t be by Aliens but by our own Government who has planned it for 40 plus years.

Will they actually use weapons on the citizens?

Just how far will they push this?

Will they use EMP's to destroy the Electric Grids?

Will they shoot down fighter jets? Nothing is out of the question when dealing with the insane, evil lunatics.

They have no care for, people, animals or the environment as they are now derailing trains. The fertilizer and food processing plant fires were not enough. They want to cause complete chaos and confusion by creating multiple problematic scenarios that happen simultaneously.

They want this to appear to be Rapture. They, themselves are fulfilling prophecy to mind blow those who believe in it.

They get people to concede to their tyranny by terrorizing the masses with fear. That is false evidence appearing real.

Do we really have White Hats that can stop this?

I think by the end of 2025 we will know as that is the current timeline to usher in their New One World Government.

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