Public Display of the Gross Incompetence of U.S. and NATO Military Leaders

1 year ago

Public Display of the Gross Incompetence of U.S. and NATO Military Leaders

If you are still wondering why the United States failed to prevail in Iraq and Afghanistan, especially Afghanistan, all you need to do is watch today’s press conference of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group in Brussels, Belgium. What a veritable clown show! The remarks by Lloyd Austin and General Mark Milley revealed two guys with an iron grip on delusion and a total lack of self-awareness.

The audacity of these two failed military leaders to pretend they are qualified to offer advice to Ukraine on how to fight a first world military when their own dismal military records show they failed to defeat a bunch of goat herders and tribesmen that had no combat air, no helicopters and no artillery is the definition of chutzpah. It would be funny were it not for the slaughter underway in Ukraine.
(From Public Display of the Gross Incompetence of U.S. and NATO Military Leaders,
14 February 2023 by Larry Johnson, A Son of the New American Revolution)


Every inconceivable from The Princess Bride
tim lindner
Dec 1, 2011
Wallace Shawn at his best.

Sec. Lloyd Austin And Gen. Mark Milley Hold A Press Briefing On The War In Ukraine
Forbes Breaking News
Feb 14, 2023
Sec. Lloyd Austin and Gen. Mark Milley held a press briefing on Tuesday to discuss the war in Ukraine.

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