Top 10 Horror Films of 2022 [Horror News Network]

1 year ago

Top 10 Horror Films of 2022 [Horror News Network]
What a long, terrifying trip it’s been. 2022 has officially come to a close; a year that marked my tenth-year writing for Horror News Network and looking back on it, I didn’t really do a tremendous amount of writing for the site this past year. It was a very busy year workwise and with two kids that play multiple sports, things get kind of hectic.
I’m not a “New Year’s Resolution” type of guy but I’ll make one small resolution…okay, actually two: resolution number one is to finally win the Powerball…enough screwing around. Resolution number two will be to write more articles for Horror News Network this year.
Now that that’s settled, one thing I did not slack on this year was watching movies. Some movies I watch with the Fam, but most are done while everyone else is asleep. I painstakingly went through that list of movies that I watched, categorized the horror ones, and came up with the below list of my TEN (or eleven) favorite horror films of 2022. As I always say, keep in mind that these are my favorites and I’m sure that you won’t agree with all of them (or my omissions) and that’s fine – I welcome the discussion and the opportunity to try and convince you otherwise.
The order of the below films is alphabetical, not ranked…but if you absolutely MUST know, I will say at the end which of the 2022 horror films was my absolute favorite.


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