Marking Maple Trees For The Spring Maple Syrup Season

7 years ago

Now is the time for marking maple trees for spring tapping. The leaves are colorful and easy to see but they will fall off soon so time is running out.

I have some colored ribbon that I am tying around all the maple trees that I can find near the off grid tiny house for this year. Next year I will expand my range but for this year I went out in the woods behind the motor home and parallel to the meadow.

I worked my way all through to the far back of the meadow and into the woods just a little ways. I found the mother lode of maple trees back there. I ran out of pink ribbon and switched to another color.

I only walked the edge of the meadow and into the woods a little bit on this day but I found a whole lot of maple trees.

In February to April the maple sap flows. This is when I want to tap the maple trees for their sap. Then I can boil it down to make maple syrup.

This is a gold mine of resources back here. Maple syrup is not cheap and it can bring a nice amount of income if I can manage to get enough of it next spring.

I have not even crossed back behind the RV yet and I found a lot of maple trees out here.

We are going to have our hands full next spring with all these trees. Its going to be all hands on board for this job.

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