CFTC Go Fund Me Update

1 year ago

The following video is an update to the GoFundMe campaign that we launched in 2021 in order to take action against the CFTC for what I felt was a lack of oversight in regards to the silver trading on the COMEX.

We were able to contact a lawyer last year who's had success in this type of case, yet unfortunately we were told that there is a high bar for the level of evidence that's required to have a legitimate case, and that what we shared with them did not meet that bar. Additionally, they also expressed that it's difficult to take action against government officials, and that this is something that lawyers are often quite reticent to do.

In the follow link is the letter I sent to the lawyers, which was written not only to notify them of what we felt were the infractions, but also phrased so that anyone else could see clearly what we felt had happened, and have the information so that it would be available to everyone should they still want to attempt to file a claim.

(you can also see all of the evidence of silver manipulation that we've compiled in the time we've been doing the channel here:

Lastly, in terms of the funds that were received, we mentioned in the original GoFundMe that if the CFTC did respond and explain the comments about what happened in the silver market, that we would donate the money to a worthy charitable cause. The CFTC never did answer any of our communications, and therefore we've decided to offer anyone who donated the option to have their money returned, (you can contact me at Chris @ or else it will go to a charitable cause.

This is explained further in the video, and in terms of some causes that we are considering for donations, I've listed a few that I would recommend , and we are also open to other suggestions that people feel are worthy organizations. So if you do have any suggestions, please leave them in the comments below.

'Intersection of Change'

Intersection of Change is a community-based non-profit in Baltimore, MD founded in 1996 to address poverty-related challenges in that community. Their missions included helping women overcoming substance abuse and homelessness, providing art classes to adults and children as a tool for empowerment and an alternative to the dangers of drugs and violence, and operating an urban farm that provides working opportunities to citizens returning to the community from incarceration.

This program is run by my brother Todd Marcus, and you can find out more about them here:

'The Hoboken Shelter'

The Hoboken Shelter is a homeless shelter in Hoboken, NJ that provides food, shelter, case management, counseling, skills-training workshops, and permanent supportive housing solutions to homeless people in the community. This is an organization that I used to volunteer at during my time living in Hoboken, that feeds people on a nightly basis, and has been helping to support homeless people in that community since 1982.

You can find out more about The Hoboken Shelter here:

'Hope Center Ministries'

Hope Center Ministries is a Christian based organization that helps people with addiction issues to transform their lives and be able to function in society. Hope Center Ministries operates in 41 locations, and runs a 52 week program designed to help their residents overcome their addiction challenges, and return to society as a productive and functioning members.

You can find out more about Hope Center Ministries here:

If you have any other causes that you believe would be good candidates for the funds that have been collected, please leave them in the comments field.

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