ACTION: Please Let Kids Be Kids - Transgender Health Care Bills Need Teeth

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1 year ago

Yesterday MTG went to the GA state capitol to thank them for their service. She also asked legislators to prevent transgender youth from access to body-altering procedures before they turn 18.

Red america clamp down on puberty blockers, MS is on the cusp of banning transgender surgeries and drugs for children under 18. The bill would make providing gender affirming surgeries or drugs a felony. There is a bite to this bill. SD and UT have enacted all out bans on gender transition healthcare. MS Governor Reeves will sign the bill in MS, tweeting that Plain truth is somehow controversial in today’s world.

Detransition woman says doctors failed me when she had her breast and uterus removed when she thought she was a man during a mental health crisis. She sues eight health care workers who helped her change. She was confused, peer pressure online.

MTG addresses the Senate. Call to Action: for the kids in GA. If we don’t protect our kids, where are we? Transgender health care is irreversible.

Joe passed executive order the day to strengthen racial equity and support for underserved communities across the federal government.

IRS is developing a new biden-backed algorithm that'll see more white and asian people targeted for tax audits to boost racial equity.

The problem we have today is the pastors are not lined up at the board of education. If you are in the bible belt in a christian community and have the pastor's speech and let the board know that this is not welcomed in this community. The people need to be bold enough to say something. What they are doing to our kids is the devil coming into our homes.

Please let kids be kids.

SB140 - Hospitals; the treatment of gender dysphoria in minors performed in hospitals and other licensed healthcare facilities; prohibit certain surgical procedures. There are no teeth to this bill, no felony or jail time for violation. There are 22 signers on the bill.

SB141 - Professions and Businesses; health care providers from performing specified practices on minors relating to altering a person’s appearance relating to gender; prohibit. There are 15 signers on this bill. There is a problem. There are no teeth, no bite, no felony. It sounds good, headed in the right direction until penalties, responsibilities come into play.

Contact MTG and thank her and tell her you support her and tell her SB140 and SB141 do not have teeth like the MS bill, no felony attached. Make it a crime and put them in jail.

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