In No Uncertain Terms The Secrets Of The Universe

1 year ago

In No Uncertain Terms, The Secrets Of The Universe!
October 18th 2015

To understand my work on the Dark Energy Field, Matter, Energy, Time and Space, - you need to know THESE SIMPLE TRUTHS

The Universe; is a Binary System, there is Energy/Matter, and there is Space/Dark Energy, Dark Energy is a Single Force that has 10 Gradients, or 10 Shells, 10 States of the Dark Energy Field, or 10 States of Quantum Gravity... (Watch my Video called: “What Is Quantum Gravity?” for more information.)

We are in the 5th Shell of the Dark Energy Field, everything below us progressively gets faster and faster, and everything above us progressively gets slower and slower (The Speed of Light, and the Rate of Time, are one in the same...They are tied to each other...)

Matter is, the Entanglement of both; Energy, and Dark Energy, or "Local Entanglement." This “Entanglement,” is the 9th State of Gravity, or the 9th Shell. This is the closest Energy, and Dark Energy can get, and it takes a LOT of force to create; "Local Entanglement," or the Quark. The Quark is the 9th State, or the 9th Shell... (Only compression into a Black Hole can create the 10th State!)

Magnetic Field is Generated by Matter

Electric Field is Generated by Dark Energy

Their interaction is the Foundation of all: Electromagnetic Energy

(For the Universe to exist it MUST REVERBERATE; aka Second Big Bang/Solidification, will explain a little more later.) (Edit 2023: There is a base “Flux,” or Zero Point Energy, “Vibration,” resonating through the entire Universe... Think of the, “Sea of Virtual Particles,” popping in and out of existence, Mainstream Science’s very definition of, “Dark Energy...”)

Each Shell, of the Dark Energy Field, behaves the same, just in different proportions.

Where Matter is "Heavy," the Dark Energy Field, is "Light"

Where the Dark Energy Field is "Heavy," Matter is "Light"

Light is the Quantum Transfer of Matter. Light is the "Lightest" Matter can become. Light is a Particle and has Mass, only it is the Quantum Definition of Quantum Mass Transfer, and is the lightest Mass can get, and the source of luminescence. (How convenient: The definition of “Light” is also its modern, scientific meaning...)

This is the "Simple Entanglement," or the, "Massless particles," Gluons, Electrons, and Photons, Simple Entanglement, of Energy, and Dark Energy (I explain this exact point I am trying to make clearly in my recent video called: Mass, Matter, Function, Interaction of Momentum; Part 5)

All Matter generates its Electromagnetic Energy, from moving across the Dark Energy Field; Proportionally

The "Lighter" the Dark Energy Field - the Less Electromagnetic Energy

The "Heavier” the Dark Energy Field - the More Electromagnetic Energy

This also applies to each State of the Dark Energy Field, or Gravity Shells. As Matter, moves from a "Lighter" Dark Energy Field, to a "Heavier" Dark Energy field, it will hit an invisible cushion wall of sorts, that will have a slowing effect, and Matters Electromagnetic Energy will increase, directly proportional to its decrease in speed, as it slows down, because it moved into, or hit, a heavier Dark Energy Zone, eventually, it will get lighter... until it equalizes its rate of motion, at which point it will continue to slow, all be it at a much slower decrease in speed, and the structure at this point is usually forced to make a change, and to get lighter it must get thinner, so the structure usually explodes at this point... though not always... (I just made a quick video about this called: “Hyper Velocity Stars”)

This is also the most efficient Teleportation Zone... If you are moving fast enough, you could smash into this cushion wall, (of denser Dark Energy,) and generate enough EM energy, to push you through to the other side, with very little effort, Teleportation could be as easy has flying fast enough out of Earths own Magnetic Field!!! - and back into another Planets Field!!!

Conservation of Momentum, if you were to say something is in motion in space will continue forever until impacted upon, this is COMPLETELY FALSE!

The MOVEMENT OF MATTER alone, causes Electromagnetic Energy - this Energy comes at a cost, and Is THE REASON for the SPEED OF LIGHT - While the Mechanical “Momentum Of Matter” moving over the Dark Energy Field generates Electromagnetic Energy, it also has a slowing effect on said matter, and so, over time... with no other energy input, Matter will get slower and slower, lighter and lighter... and over a long enough period, it will decay back into light itself and back into Dark Energy...

The FASTER SOMETHING MOVES, THE HEAVIER IT GETS, As Matter moves Faster and Faster, it generates More and More Electromagnetic Energy, this in turn Pushes More and More Dark Energy Away, and Dark Energy therefore Pushes More and More, on Matter, making Matter Heavier and Heavier, the Faster it Moves!

Orion Michael Guy

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