“Alternative Media Means – I Salute You”

1 year ago

[Transitional Times Poem Collection] - This is a poem to acknowledge and celebrate those who have spoken up about events ongoing since 2020. All who offered the members of the public somewhere to listen to an ‘alternative’ to the narrative being posited by main stream media, etc. and to explore why. I appreciate and salute those who took the initiative and ‘stood up’ to give more knowledge, debate and choices. I respect your courage and integrity.

For this creation, I used footage of a train journey from Pearse Street Station to Connolly Station, Dublin. It, in some way morphed into a reflection of a past journey and how it is paralleling with the journey we as Irish are currently on. I see it as a unifying of perspectives for what is and what lies ahead.

This creation falls into my 'Transitional Times' poem category which contains 'a variety of Motivational and Commentary poems exploring issues of the time'.

Poem Wording below:-
Alternative Media Means – I Salute You

Irish men and women, who in ‘alt- journalism’ and ‘conversation’ lead the way
And others, on channels and podcasts, that help give Ireland’s Irish a say.
Today – I salute you. Those at least, with whom I am familiar.
Many more, for this list no doubt, but perhaps not here or today!

GT - Grand Torino – sharing the pickle we’ve been in, gave us a stand for information and voice.
Irish Git, Monsieur Michael Brazil, with his spectacular renderings gives facts, in 2 to 3 minute spins.
Those who helped form ‘Reclaim Ireland’ or other ‘parties’ and many others who tried and stood up in the storm.
It wasn’t the ‘norm’, it’s still not either. However, each has helped show us the sinister plots.
And Ivor Cummins– as he untwisted ‘statistics’ and presented us with fact. Real data, not ‘statistical slants’, a good ‘Fat Emperor’ that!! Dr. Vincent Carroll, got up and had his say – expressing great dismay.
Ladies strong helped the start, Dee Wall, Gemma O’Doherty, Dolores Cahill, Tracy O’Mahony.
Aisling O’Loughlin while talking to camera, as she chats and questions the drama.

And the guy, Stephen Delaney, and other political voices, gave more knowledge, debate and choices.
Like Philip Dwyer, Louise McKenna, Stephen Manning, Derek Blighe, Dara O’Flaherty, and many more,
some from next door over the pond – Del Bigtree, Hugo Talks, Neil Oliver, Nicholas V., and Mark A –
an Englishman living in Ireland with powerful poems and his channel ‘Adventures in a Cosmic Suit’ – a hoot!
Expanding the awareness also with Gript, Caint Saor, The Irish Light, The Burkean, The Irish Enquiry – Stephen Kerr
and fellow ‘nationals’ who got out and marched on issues, day and night – holding the line!

All these ‘heros’ aside from the system, made it their mission to ‘help us to see’, and say ‘no to submission’.
While main stream media, balked and stalked, giving reality and truth up for pay.
And the ‘trusted news media initiative’ – their paymaster – lying and pushing us on into ‘disaster’
So on down with RTE, TV and ‘all radio stations’ with their ‘one common story’ – they are the shills.
While ‘alt media’ gave us a choice of ‘real news’ and the truth, a voice, somewhere to share our views.

Now, via Rumble and Telegram, Oddessy, Bitchute and DLive, now the ‘go to platforms’ for and of choice
When twitter, Facebook, YouTube etc. speaking tripe, stilled each discerning or dissenting voice -
Like those of the vaccine injured and various individuals’ questions, all suppressed, as people died.

For all with ‘truth and integrity of voice’, I rejoice.
All have helped make my days through this ‘vice’ a little less gray.
I salute you and hold you in good sway and repute.
You all helped for Ireland to shine her light; for the Irish to become aware of the fight;
And also gave this ‘lass’ courage to share her own voice, both for Ireland and others in the world, through rhyme.
God, what a weird time?! He sure works in mysterious ways.
No harm to get all these quick ‘plugs’ in,
so more can be aware and by truth, be swayed
And for ‘extra knowledge’, may they be given ‘a thirst’
So we can rise up together in this ‘holy quest’, before our country is totally messed.
Alt ‘alternative’ media, guys and girls, you are the best. Thank you. I salute You, one and all. You stand tall.

Louise, 25-1-23

For more from my ‘Transitional Times’ Poem Collection see YouTube “Poetry & Me @ Louiseiology” https://www.youtube.com/@Louiseiology

For creations from all Poem Collections, see Rumble “Louiseiology & Poetry” https://rumble.com/c/LouiseiologyPoems

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