Case Study - Severe Eczema Vaccine Connection

1 year ago

Cadyn had suffered severe eczema for seven years. The itching, burning bleeding patches would keep her up most of the night. The eczema patches were located on various parts of her body (arms legs, abdomen, face and hands) and did not respond to conventional steroid therapy. In fact all the dermatologists consulted told her the same story: you will have to live with your eczema.

Cadyn was referred to my office for consultation and treatment. Cadyn was surprised when she was diagnosed with herpes zoster, shingles, herpes simplex another virus, an under active thyroid, toxic liver and food allergies to milk, gluten and meat. Dietary guidelines were provided along with specific vitamins, herbs, homeopathics and minerals that were tested compatible with the patient. Within two to three weeks her burning, itching pain subsided and within two months 98% of the all the lesions were gone. The key to Cadyn’s problem was childhood vaccines trapped in her tissues. These viruses lie dormant until some traumatic event triggers them off. (To read more please go to:

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