Smart Tax Moves for High Income Earners - How a Tax Strategist Can Help You Pay Less and Keep More

1 year ago

Smart Tax Moves for High Income Earners - How a Tax Strategist Can Help You Pay Less and Keep More

Hey, it's tax time! But it's still not too late to save on your 2022 tax bill. Watch & Learn:

In this episode of the Investor Financing Podcast, we interview David Perez, a tax strategist who helps high-income earners lower or eliminate tax liabilities using advanced strategies.

Perez discusses his belief that everyone has the right to not pay taxes and talks about his experience serving people who are building first-generation wealth but lack planning.

David explains how tax deductions can help entrepreneurs keep more money in their pockets, and he shares some of the most common tax strategies, as well as some advanced ones. At the end of the video, Perez talks about his book, "Build Your Own Economy," and his personal journey as someone with albinism who was once told he would be in special education for life.

[00:15] Beau introduces David A. Perez on the show and talks about his credentials
[01:33] It’s your right to not pay taxes
[02:10] Are you one of the people who are on your way up?
[03:53] How did David start in the real estate industry
[05:08] Who wants to do freaking taxes?
[05:48] Taxes are recession proof, they won’t go away and they will never be impacted by any economic condition
[06:02] Find out how David got into the tax industry
[06:50] When you make money you get a bill from the IRS
[08:14] Being able to help people became a passion for David
[09:06] Figuring out how to be financially free and how to eliminate tax burdens
[10:50] You can materially participate in the business
[11:16] The state and local tax (SALT)
[11:34] There are opportunities to mitigate your taxes
[11:52] The people you would think the most knowledgeable in finance and tax are usually the ones with the least knowledge
[13:13] People are always focused on making more instead of keeping more
[13:26] Tax strategy is an annual thing, it’s an ongoing lifestyle
[13:49] There’s a good debt out there that you can leverage
[13:59] One of the reasons why David got into the tax industry
[15:22] “I’d rather invest in my business than have taxable consequences” - Beau
[15:58] Most of the things that are deductible that we buy as entrepreneurs are going up in value too, it’s an appreciating asset.
[17:59] Tax strategies that David and his team have implemented for their clients
[19:23] What is asset protection?
[19:39] Looking at tax mitigation – do you have the plan to lower your tax liability?
[20:52] What are you doing to accumulate money or wealth passively
[23:10] From $380,000 to $92,000 liabilities
[25:10] Tax professionals today are typically overworked and underpaid
[26:05] The most important thing in the process is knowing the gaps
[27:16] An important question, what don’t I see here?
[29:16] If the debt can’t service the note then they’re going to drop the price
[32:53] Real estate tax strategy boot camps on March 22-23, 2023 in Dallas, Texas
[33:25] There’s a lot of unknown when it comes to investing in real estate
[34:57] Breaking down the most highly effective strategies and basic tax strategies
[35:23] Go to to get your tickets for David’s boot camp
[35:48] What does the book “Building Your Own Economy: Your Guide to True INDEPENDENCE and FREEDOM” all about
[41:07] Life can be designed by you, you don’t have to be a victim
[44:20] Over committing to something bigger
[44:44] It’s easy to settle but it’s a hard life when you settle
[45:57] Where to go to find out more about David A. Perez

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💥 Thanks for watching 💥
#taxstrategy #buildyourowneconomy #taxreduction

About Beau:
As the host of the Investor Financing Podcast, Beau shares insights, strategies, and best practices for businesses looking to make smart investments and stay up to date with the latest trends and developments in the world of business and finance. Beau is committed to helping his clients succeed and thrive in today's uncertain business landscape and he’s always able to provide expert advice and support when it’s needed most.

🎥 The video interviews we do on IFP will help you scale your real estate business and learn how to finance your all your projects.

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