Beware Of Reification Fallacy Tricks and Traps

1 year ago

Everyone must take extreme caution when listen to or engage in any “discussion”, “debate” , or even “expose!” They are all gaslighting. disinformation, and logical traps. It’s called “reification fallacy. ” I prefer to call it “the gain of fiction”. Since this fiction is produced based upon one another and... itself!

That’s why every so-called “discussion”, “debate” , and “exposé!” about “medical science” would “allow” you to take any sides, for and against anything and anyone. But every side must virtually accept and reinforce the assumption (a non-negotiable premise) that “virus exists” and that such “virus” does cause “disease” by default!

Likewise, in “politics”. You can disagree and expose government’s crimes as much as and as many as you want, but everyone must, by default, accept that people must be ruled by government with its monopoly of brute force. For people own safety and interests of course!

Therefore “Non-violence” solution must be the foundation “virtue” for everyone, except government and its thugs! Because people cannot be trusted with themselves, cannot be left in their own devices, except those people who become government are benevolent, omniscient, omnipotent, and must be trusted and obeyed… or else!

Anyway, I am glad that, at last, the NO VIRUS people (Dr Sam) quotes a modern anarchist! It’s about time! Congratulations!

Can you see the logic yet, folks?

Did I say somewhere that the “one world government” was deployed to reinforce and consolidate nationalism and solidify the system of government authority and monopoly of brute force?

Let me show you the ‘trick and trap”.

For the last few days, the issue of national sovereignty was heated up again with the so-called “An international treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness” in which W.H.O CA+ would be given the “power” by NATIONAL GOVERNMENTS to:

Among other things

-Define the next pandemic
-Determine lockdowns
-Surveillance power
-Determine Treatment protocals
-Issue clotshot mandates
-Distribute Clotshot
-Own IP and Profits from the Clotshot

Yet, the question YOU MUST ASK is “WHO” WILL enforce these criminal mandates? The UN, WHO agents or YOUR BELOVED GOVERNMENT and its THUGS?

For the last three years, without such “agreement” every single national government on this planet more or less imposed with brute force exactly the same “public heath measures” on their own people.

Why do they need such “international agreement” now?

They want you to blame the non-existent “one world government” for the crime your national government commits and inflicts directly upon you, while making you to consolidate and solidify the NEED of such criminal national government for THEM! It’s all the Stockholm syndrome writ large!

They have successfully made YOU, the people blaming the non-existent virus for the illness THEY themselves inject into your food, drinks, and your body!

And now THEY want You to blame the non-existent “one world government” for the all the crime your national government commits and inflicts directly upon you, the humanity!

Can you see such obvious reality and fathom such logic?

Ask yourself this question. WITHOUT your NATIONAL GOVERNMENT and its THUGS that you believe and fear, will “one world government” (in this case WHO and the UN) send their own agents to enforce these mandates, assuming that somehow this “one world government” has such a large army under its command?

And suppose that such “one world government” had such an army, will you obey these “one world government” agents, or will you fight them back with whatever you have on hands?

Without your national government, there will be no UN, WHO or whatever you call “world government.”

Without your national government, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab. Tedros Ghebreyesus et all are nothing more than your neighbours Joe, John, Jane or Joys!

It’s the system of government authority and its monopoly of violent force that make YOU, the majority weak and them, the minority powerful!

Last but not least. Where are all the protest against the Digital ID, the programmed CBDC, and the annual injection mandate?

The so-called NUKE WW3 will be “defused” when the network of complete surveillance and control is firmly in place as it has been in CHINA.

The last word is yours as always, folks!

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