How To Make Cabbage Bandages

1 year ago

How To Make Cabbage Bandages
Join Herbalism Healing:
#1. Place cabbage leaves (green or red) on a cutting board, and cut out the hard stem.
#2. Hammer the leaves with any kitchen utensil to gently bruise the leaves in order to release some of the cabbage juices.
#3. Layer the cabbage leaves around the knee or ankle joint until it is completely encased with the leaves.
#4. Hold the leaves in place by wrapping them with bandages.
#5. Wrap all of this up with cellophane in order to hold the warmth and cabbage juice around the skin.
#6. Leave the cabbage leaves wrapped around the joint for at least one hour. If no skin sensitivity is noted, the leaves can be left on overnight.
#7. Unwrap the cabbage leaves when cool and discard.
Here Are Some Of The Things Cabbage Bandages Can Help You Out With:
Use cabbage leaf bandages for about one hour.
Apply four cabbage leaf bandages on the chest or shoulders for at least four hours.
Pound the cabbage leaves with any kitchen utensil you have on hand (even a simple cup), and apply it directly to the affected area. Wrap it up in a bandage and cellophane to make sure it stays tight so that the skin absorbs the vital nutrients. Leave it on for several hours, and repeat this process until you see a huge improvement.

With all of these benefits, how can you not love cabbage? God has indeed blessed us, and we can gain so much simply by studying his creation.

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