deliberate comment choice of operation mockingbird as a generic term to cover CIA media infiltration

1 year ago

the CIA under its own initiative or the POTUS or National Security Council or etc,,, has done massive, illegal domestic wire tapping, surveillance, assassination plots, & other "intelligence operations" against domestic targets like you & me & before declassification in 2007 congress knew about it for many years

in the early 1950's the CIA fund/influenced colleges through the National Student Association till 1967 & then in 1973 a Family Jewels retro compiled file set going back to 1959 also mentioned a 1963 "Project Mockingbird" , a (1? year) wiretapping of 2 journalists to find their anonymous sources that the cia had suspected of classified nuke Intel leaks,,
none of the above cited "sources" contain an "Operation MOCKINGBIRD" reference that is a crypto-nym (name) ONLY found in Deborah Davis's book about Katharine Graham & the Washington Post , it was & is still a myth invented by remixing that single reference in a Family jewels doc from 59-73 to a project mockingbird single indecent from 62 - 63 & then spinning it into a 30 year CIA infiltration of MSM ,,

later in 1992 she was interviewed by Kenn Thomas of Steam shovel Press
& there's 1 purported image of her after that date that i cannot corroborate

all other citations archived due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats
= =
i was aware of "project mockingbird" wiretapping etc which is why i deliberately chose to use the generic term "operation mockingbird" to cover to general theory of media infiltration we can safely say is true since that media machine is so brazen about lying re WMD 911 and now cov so openly... there are many more examples.. Church al... as with almost everything in the grand conspiracy of who runs this show and what they are up to, there is much doubt sown by the very perps we are seeking just to cover their own trax. signature reduction, fake IDs... there may or may not be an official or unofficial "operation mockingbird" but do u think it is not true..? ie embedded journos pushing an agenda with a "narrative"...? ie "who writes the script" for the "world leaders"...? see 2003 WMD speechs by australia pm and canada...they were the same, almost... and it was an accident...! ?? u do good vids

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