Keepers of Earth - Wayshowers

1 year ago

16-43 - Keepers of Earth

You are Keepers of Earth and have the opportunity to restore her to pristine beauty and fullness of resource in vibrant health and wholeness. The races physical and non-physical incarnation have come here to be part of that Wave of Light. This wave of new energy is warming your planet, changing its magnetic fields, allowing the reception of gamma rays and the planet awakens from sleep with conscious awareness. The Earth awakens and seeks to know who her children are. The Keepers of the Energy know to listen as she rumbles to life and sees the Angels of the Golden Sun come to her in this hour of need.

Dear Earth you are our mother and our beautiful blue jewel in the great indigo ocean of space. The time of waiting is over and you are now in the peace of the morning of a new day. The Shining Light of the Golden Sun sends the rays of understanding to coax you from your rest and awaken to see the fruits of your gestation. The birthing of your youngest children has been patiently awaited in the quiet expectation of fulfillment.

The Angels of the Golden Sun are the Children of the Central Sun who have come to earth to awaken and lift to enlightenment the precious earth and to have her being exalted and made sacred. It is the honor of the Angels to come on the behalf of the Central Sun to speak.

Dear ones of Earth your lives have been lived with the intent to find balance between the Dark and the Light and to live through polarity of existence in this realm. The Wave of Light that we bring is Golden and its center is White. It is a resonant field of energy which shines from the Central Sun which is omnicentric. This means it resides within the center of being; within all souls, individual and collective. It is within all life and it is here for your Earth so you may become one with us in the White Golden Light of the Angels of the Central Sun.

Your purpose is to live in joy and fulfillment in an ascending pattern of awakening. Life is your energy which you ride upon as it pulses forth giving you time and space so that your requests are made manifest. The world becomes you and you become that which you vibrate with and are made manifest of. In your purpose you see through the pleasure and pain of contrast, variety, choices, differences, options and selections as you make preferences towards joy. In joy the Awakening is passionately and continuously expressed and expanded upon.

Your future is not a future of time and space but a future of consciousness. The past holds your template which is set upon the framework of your every expanding now. The past only exists as your attention to what you have believed is continued by your attraction to the consciousness that has been ingrained by the memory of the old dream. The old dream fades and so does the past as your conscious awareness becomes the future.

Awaken to the expansion from the powerful moment of your centered experience. The future you do not yet believe as your thoughts control the movement of time. If you truly believed the future to be real it would be present. Your conscious awareness is set upon an agreed consensual template in which you collectively follow these agreements so as to coordinate chaos in your seeming past and project it towards an illusion you call the future. Past history is as nebulous and irrational as your imagined illusion you call the future. Your future is made from the circular nature of your past. Expand the past and you expand the future.

As you believe so it is. The past is not what you think it is. You come from a long lineage of extraterrestrial beings from other planets, star systems and galaxies, and throughout the greater universe your origin is timeless and a divine part of the expression of the Universal Soul. The invisible beings who are here with you are non-physical inter-Dimensional brothers and sisters with thoughts, beliefs, dreams, goals and desires in alignment with the cosmic plan of Creation. You are the Keepers of Earth and the ones who are on the leading edge of this experience we all share. You are here to receive and bring the energies together from the Wave of Light. Choose to move, fly, swim, surf into the infinite new expanse of life that is the experiment, the game, the dream, the cosmos and the world which is your life given freely so that you may be found enlightened and one.

The adventure that is the Game will continue always and always you will be connected to your home for you carry your home with you wherever you go. When you are in peace and joy you are always home. You are that which is omnicentric, forever enlightened and evolving into spiritual connection with universal experience. The planet that you are living upon is a conscious being which is in alignment with your collective energies. You are here to bring forth the Aquarian Collective to hold the frequencies that will focus the Cosmic Wave of Light Energy of Gamma Rays to bring focus and initiate the Children of the Light who are being born on Earth at over 100,000 spirits per day. They are coming with new abilities and responses to the energies that have been produced.

These are special moments as you are awakening from your sleep. The whole of being of humanity is the Keeper of the Earth. Humanity is come forward and witness the transformation as the new children arrive. There is a darkness which is being dissipated by the willingness of the carriers of Light frequencies to rise up and transform the dark. It is through the promotion of love and gratitude for all life that the energy of the new Sun begins.

Focus on Light, not shadow for the Light is beyond illusions and apparitions. Ask for the new dream of the Shining Ones to unfold with beauty, peace, happiness, joy, wonder, prosperity, creativity, health, wealth, wisdom and love. There is faith given to you to see the truth and begin easily to allow the creation to manifest creation. You are the new beings of light shining forth to enlighten the world and see the new day arrive.
Welcome the Angels of the Golden Light.
We are the Wayshowers!

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