Tony Heller debunks CO2 as a cause of Global Warming

1 year ago

Tony Heller
BS Geology, Arizona State University
Masters Electrical Engineering, Rice University
Boston University Geology
Northern Arizona University Computer Science
Colorado State University Computer Science
University of New Mexico Geochemistry
I testified at my first Congressional hearing in support of Wilderness in 1972.
I fought for the Clean Air and Water acts. I am currently battling the City of Boulder, Colorado to stop development on the South Boulder Wetlands. I am a full time cyclist for all my local transportation, for the past 40 years. I am member of the CO2 Coalition.
I have worked as a science teacher, Athletic Director and Soccer Coach at Oak Creek Ranch School, Arizona. As a Math teacher at Phoenix Country Day School and as a Substitute teacher at Murphy School District, Phoenix Arizona. I was Computer instructor at Tomball College, Texas.
I did Geothermal research and oil shale research at Los Alamos National Labs. Later also
Thermodynamic research of methane hydrates and Volcano research. I wrote a Safety Analysis Report for the Permian Basin DOE nuclear waste disposal site. I was Volunteer curator Arizona Mineral Museum.
Became an Electrical Engineer and worked on many different projects:
Compaq/SGI MIPS consortium design team
Power PC design team IBM/Apple/Motorola (Used in most game consoles over the last three decades, and PowerMacs)
Sandia Labs computer architect
Sandia Labs representative to Al Gore’s Bankers Trust key escrow consortium
Cyrix Media GX microprocessor design team manager
Raycer Graphics OpenGL graphics processor verification lead
Design manager Hitachi/ST SH5 microprocessor
Verification lead MemoryLogix microprocessor
Founder, design lead Visual Media video effects/editing software
OpenGL driver development ATI
Itanium/i7 design team Intel (very likely being used by you right now)
Sped up Helicos DNA sequencing algorithm by 50X
Sped up NCAR weather microphysics kernel by 500X
Ported NCAR’s radiative transfer model to GPU
Ported NCAR’s WRF weather model to Windows
Drone visualization and control software for the US military
Medical device control systems (under NDA)
Virtual reality visualization design (under NDA)
Radio control and visualization software (under NDA).
He was a global warming true believer for decades. My boss at Los Alamos introduced me to the idea. It all seemed rather plausible, I saw changes in the weather. In the nineties I flew to London frequently. One time I was flying in February and I saw people water skiing just west of Heathrow and that is pretty remarkable. But then one day in January I took a train from London to Cambridge and got stuck due to heavy snowfall. I started seeing changes in the weather which appeared to be cyclical rather than a linear trend. I started looking at climate data from NASA and NOAA and discovered that it was being tampered with under the guise of “adjustments” – which in the case of the United States actually reversed the trend. I quickly realised this was probably the worst science I had ever seen.
After examining historical records of glacial melt I realized they were inconsistent with NASA temperature graphs. My research has found no evidence of an increase in extreme weather.
In about 2008 I started writing a few articles for The Register, then for Anthony Watts his blog and then I started my own blog. I have been doing this for 15 years.

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