Autism And ADHD the Hidden Struggle YOU Don’t See

2 years ago

Autism And ADHD what are the struggle YOU Don’t See many people talking about? BOOK LINK:

In this video I am reviewing Dr. Thomas E. Brown’s Book: ADHD and Asperger Syndrome in Smart Kids And Adults - Twelve Stories Of Struggle, Support And Treatment.

The book is a very interesting take on how people view and understand Autism. The book uses terms like Aspergers syndrome to describe people of low Support needs autism.

In the beginning there is a overview of some people like Dr Temple Grandin to name a few who have been very successful in certain areas of their life and this is due to the fact that they are on the autism spectrum and that this helps them in the chosen field of interest.

The next part of the book goes over 12 stories of autistic adults who usually have a combined condition of ADHD also and all the struggles that come with this from school right up to adulthood and relationships.

What I find most interesting about this book is the stories from the 12 people in this book actually talk a bit about their home life which is what I believe is missing from a lot of books about Autism.

Let me know your thoughts and if you would like to improve anything on this please leave a comment and follow at @TheAspieWorld for more autism content.

#Autism #ADHD #Aspergers

University of California Television (UCTV) - ADHD and Autism:

King's College London - Thinking twice about ADHD and autism spectrum disorder:

ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder - CHADD -,to%20clothing%20textures%2C%20for%20example.

Is It ADHD or Autism? - WebMD -

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