Revelation | Pt. 22 - The Angels Proclaim | Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer

1 year ago

Revelation 14:6-7
Announcement #1 - Gospel (on TV screens)
This is incredible
Never happened before or after
Gospel is entrusted to people to share
Why an angel? Church is raptured and Tribulation Saints are martyred
There's an absence of the proclamation of the Gospel
God cares and loves for people so much that He dispatches an Angel
Everyone will hear the Gospel
Every nation, tribe, language and people
Every person will be reached
This is the end right? Yet God is still pursuing people
Grasp the heart of God here
God is so passionate about the Gospel and so should we
Sometimes God has to allow the heat to be turned up for some people to repent
I know I had to hit rock bottom at 17 to surrender
This is the last and final call
Couple things to note here
The Gospel is ETERNAL
The Gospel is UNIVERSAL
What was the message of the Angel? This should inform our preaching
Fear God
Give God Glory
Worship Him who made everything
Revelation 14:8 says, "A second angel followed and said, “‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great,’ which made all the nations drink the maddening wine of her adulteries.”
Announcement #2 - Judgement (on tv screens)
Doom of the antichrist system
More about Babylon in 17 & 18
One world government & religion
Genesis 11
The system of the beast is doomed
Fallen, Fallen = emphasis of certainty
Before we read about God assures us it will fall
Revelation 14:9-11
Announcement #3 - Condemnation (on tv screens)
For Those who follow the Beast
Mark of the Beast declares you belong to the beast
This is by far the strongest language in Scripture regarding damnation
Eternal Judgment is basic
Eternal Judgement means one day each will give an account
Spend eternity with God in heaven or apart from God in Hell
While Jesus was on earth he taught for 3.5 yrs
3 main subjects: Kingdom, Hell & Money
Twice as much about Hell as to Heaven
Why so much about hell? It's real and He doesn't want anyone to go there
In American Pulpits Hell is hardly mentioned
If there was more preaching about Hell in the pupits there would be less Hell in the streets of America
People do not Fear God
Hell is no joke
We need to understand some things about Hell
Originally was never meant for people
Hell was never meant for people but prepared for the devil
Because of the Fall we are born into sin in the likeness of Adam
All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God
All on a path towards hell because of sin
"If God is good and love He would never send someone to Hell."
God has never sent anyone to Hell. You choose to go there
God is so good and full of love He sent His son that while we were still sinners...

Revelation 14:12-13
Announcement #4 - Blessing (on tv screens)
When you die in the Lord you are blessed
For me to live is Christ, to die is gain
Rewarded for our works; not saved by our works
We cannot improve upon the works of Christ
But we are saved unto good works

Jesus The Harvester

Revelation 14:14-20
Jesus The Harvester
1. Sitting On White Cloud - Purity
Cloud = Glory
Exodus = pillar of fire by day, cloud by night
Transfiguration - bright cloud
Jess ascension - a cloud
He returns on a cloud
2. Wearing a Golden Crown = Victory
3. Holding a Sharp Sickle - Authority
Compare Two Advents Of Christ (graphic on TV screens)
Parable of wheat and tares - angels help separate
Revelation 14:15
XERAINO = dried or withered (on tv screens)
In his mercy the Lord has delayed His judgement
Revelation 1:13-15
Garment to the feet
This is what the High Priest would have worn as described in Exodus 28
Jesus is our Great High Priest who prays for us
Very interesting how the feet were uncovered and like bronze
Bronze in OT = represents judgement
Before John notices the bronze feet of judgement, He notices the robe from head to feet signify Jesus as our High Priest
His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace = VERY significant
Bonze = Chalkolibano
CHALKOS - brass or bronze (on tv screens)
(represents judgement)
LIBANOS - frankincense (on tv screens)
(represnts prayer in Holy of Holies)
Strabge word'
CHALKOLIBANO - bronze doused with frankincense (on tv screens)
Picture of judgement doused with prayer
Jesus is coming as judge
Christ is coming with judgement but He is not in a rush
Bronze - heavy metal, hard to move and slow to move
Christ moves patiently in His judgement
He gives us time to repent
2nd Peter 3:3-9
Jesus is not running to judge; he is patient in His judgement
Get the Revelation of Jesus = His judgement which is coming, is patient and doused with prayer by Him who is our Great High Priest
God is so merciful and gives us time to repent but there does come a day when His judgement is enacted
Therefore let’s live the Gospel and proclaim the Gospel

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