Transhumanism Is World's Most Dangerous Idea ? No Transhumanism or Yes Maxhumanism

1 year ago

Transhumanist thinkers study the potential benefits and dangers of emerging technologies that could overcome fundamental human limitations, as well as the ethics of using such technologies. Some transhumanists believe that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into beings.

Let's discuss the promise of Transhumanism and its shortcomings. Specifically, I believe that we're much further away from things like augmented limbs and brain chips than is often portrayed. The body is unfathomably complex and we're miles from being able to improve on it in a meaningful way. In the future, humanity may embrace genetic engineering and cybernetic augmentation of mind and body, but what does this Trans-human future look like? And should we embrace or resist these paths? In the future we will rely ever more on Artificial Intelligence to run our civilization, but what role will AI and computers playing in governing? Here's the more detailed platform below and To Enrich America and the world. We believe science and technology can solve most of the world's problems.

1) Implement a Transhumanist Bill of Rights advocating for legal and government support of longer lifespans, better health, and higher standards of living via science and technology. Designate aging as a disease. Lay ground work for rights for other future advanced sapient beings like conscious robots and cyborgs.

2) Spread a pro-science culture by emphasizing reason and secular values.

3) Create stronger government awareness and policies to protect against existential risk (including artificial intelligence, plagues, asteroids, climate change, and nuclear warfare and disaster).

4) Reduce the size and cost of the government by streamlining operations with new technology.

5) Implement policy for the phasing out of all individual taxes base on robots taking most jobs in the next 25 years. Advocate for a flat tax until we reach that point.

6) Advocate for morphological freedom (the right to do anything to your body so long as it doesn't harm others). Defend genetic editing and other radical science that can transform health care.

7) Advocate for partial direct digital democracy using available new technologies. Implement a Ranked Voting System.

8) End costly drug war and legalize all drugs. Spend saved money on rehabilitation.

9) Create government where all politician’s original professions are represented equally (the government should not be run by 40% lawyers when lawyers represent less than 10% of the country’s jobs). Create government where women run half of country too.

10) Significantly lessen massive incarcerated population in America by using innovative technologies to monitor criminals outside of prison. Spend saved money on education.

11) Strongly emphasize and create radical green tech solutions to make planet healthier.

12) Because most jobs will be lost to robots and software in the next 30 years, support and draft logistics for a Universal Basic Income for every American (taking care to devise a plan that does not enlarge the government). A properly set up UBI could eliminate welfare, social security, and dozens of other major government programs. Over the extreme long
term, consider possibility of a Resource Based Economy.

13) Dramatically enlarge US space exploration agenda with increased government and private resources.

14) Develop international consortium to create a "Transhumanist Olympics"

15) Encourage private industry to develop and support usage of a trauma alert implants or technology that notifies emergency crews of extreme trauma (this will significantly reduce domestic violence, crime, and tragedy in America).

16) Develop science and technology to be able to eliminate all disabilities in humans who have them.

17) Insist on campaign finance reform, limit lobbyist’s power, and include 3rd political parties in government. Implement term limits in all Government. Mandate real time public surveillance and transparency of Government.

18) Provide free public education at every level; advocate for mandatory college education and preschool in the age of far longer lifespans

19) Advocate for a more open and fair immigration policy, taking care to use
technologies to help this.

20) Create a scientific and educational industrial complex in America instead of a military industrial complex. Spend money on wars against cancer, heart disease, and diabetes—not on wars in far-off countries.


Presented to the United States Capitol on December 14, 2015 by Zoltan Istvan, founder and US Presidential candidate of the Transhumanist Party

Preamble: Whereas science and technology are now radically changing human beings and may also create future forms of advanced sapient and sentient life, transhumanists establish this TRANSHUMANIST BILL OF
RIGHTS to help guide and enact sensible policies in the pursuit of life, liberty, security of person, and happiness.

Article 1. Human beings, sentient artificial intelligences, cyborgs, and other advanced sapient life forms are entitled to universal rights of ending involuntary suffering, making personhood improvements, and achieving an
indefinite lifespan via science and technology.

Article 2. Under penalty of law, no cultural, ethnic, or religious perspectives influencing government policy can impede life extension science, the health of the public, or the possible maximum amount of life hours citizens possess.

Article 3. Human beings, sentient artificial intelligences, cyborgs, and other advanced sapient life forms agree to uphold morphological freedom—the right to do with one’s physical attributes or intelligence (dead, alive, conscious, or unconscious) whatever one wants so long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else.

Article 4. Human beings, sentient artificial intelligences, cyborgs, and other advanced sapient life forms will take every reasonable precaution to prevent existential risk, including those of rogue artificial intelligence, asteroids,
plagues, weapons of mass destruction, bioterrorism, war, and global warming, among others.

Article 5. All nations and their governments will take all reasonable measures to embrace and fund space travel, not only for the spirit of adventure and to gain knowledge by exploring the universe, but as an ultimate safeguard to its citizens and trans-humanity should planet Earth become uninhabitable or be destroyed.

Article 6. Involuntary aging shall be classified as a disease. All nations and their governments will actively seek to dramatically extend the lives and improve the health of its citizens by offering them scientific and medical technologies to overcome involuntary aging.

Transhumanism is a loosely defined movement that has developed gradually over the past two decades. It promotes an interdisciplinary approach to understanding and evaluating the opportunities for enhancing the human condition and the human organism opened up by the advancement of technology. Attention is given to both present technologies, like genetic engineering and information technology, and anticipated future ones, such as molecular nanotechnology and artificial intelligence.

The enhancement options being discussed include radical extension of human health-span, eradication of disease, elimination of unnecessary suffering, and augmentation of human intellectual, physical, and emotional capacities. Other transhumanist themes include space colonization and the possibility of creating super-intelligent machines, along with other potential developments that could profoundly alter the human condition. The ambit is not limited to gadgets and medicine, but encompasses also economic, social, institutional designs, cultural development, and psychological skills and techniques.

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