10 questions to ask if your loved one has a traumatic brain injury in intensive care! Live stream!

1 year ago


10 questions to ask if your loved one has a traumatic brain injury in intensive care! Live stream!

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Good afternoon, good evening, wherever you are. It’s Patrik Hutzel here from intensivecarehotline.com with another livestream today, and I want to welcome you to the livestream.

Might just wait for a few more minutes, a few more seconds, until the people come in. Get yourself a cup of tea, a cup of coffee, a glass of water, and also, you should take some notes if you have a loved one in intensive care and write down some things for your own records, because hopefully you will learn something today that you can take back to ICU, that you can take back to your loved one in ICU that will help you in managing this very difficult situation when you have a loved one in intensive care.

So, again, I want to welcome you and thank you again for coming onto the livestream today. If you have any questions, please type them in the chat pad and I will get to them as we go along. If they’re off-topic, but still related to intensive care, I will answer them at the end of this video.

So, in today’s video, I want to talk about the “10 questions you need to ask if you have a loved one in intensive care in an induced coma!” And it’s always a topical issue to talk about. Many patients in intensive care are in an induced coma, especially if they’re on a mechanical ventilator. And one of the main reasons they are in an induced coma is simply to be able to tolerate the induced coma and the breathing tube because it’s very uncomfortable. There are other issues such as for the body to rest so that the body can deal with a critical illness, but obviously there are numerous side effects that are coming from an induced coma as well and I will talk about that in a minute.

So, the other question is, what makes me qualified to talk about this topic today, or what makes me qualified to talk about intensive care or critical care or ICU? Well, I’ve worked in intensive care for over 20 years as a critical care nurse in three different countries. Out of those 20 years, I have worked for over five years as a nurse unit manager in intensive care. For the last eight years, I have been professionally consulting and advocating for families in intensive care all over the world so I’m talking to families on a day-by-day basis all over the world. I’m talking to intensive care units all over the world on a day-by-day basis. I have a team working in the background, working with me that are supporting our clients and their families in achieving the outcomes for our clients. On another note, I also own and operate a service called Intensive Care at Home where we provide intensive care nurses for long-term ventilated and tracheostomy patients at home as a genuine alternative to a long-term intensive care stay. So that’s a little bit about me.

Let’s dive right into today’s topic, so the “10 questions to ask if you have a loved one in an induced coma in intensive care!” So, let’s just start with number one. Why is my loved one in an induced coma? And it’s a question you should be asking and because for intensive care teams, it’s rather obvious or it’s bread and butter for them to put people into induced comas but for you, you should be questioning, why your loved one is in an induced coma?

Again, most of the time they are in an induced coma because they need mechanical ventilation with a breathing tube, I should say, with a breathing tube in the mouth that sits in the throat, and that is incredibly uncomfortable. And due to that discomfort, a patient needs to be induced into a coma so they can tolerate the breathing tube and mechanical ventilation. When you and I breathe in, whilst not being on a ventilator, there is negative pressure in the lungs. If someone is being ventilated and in an induced coma, there’s positive pressure in the lung because the ventilator is doing all the work. That means it’s incredibly uncomfortable. There’s high pressure in the lungs, there’s a tube sitting in your throat.


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