Never Despise (Original Christian Song: Robin Calamaio)

1 year ago

One great benefit we have as Christians is that our deepest times of trouble are accompanied by the supportive and active hand of the Creator of the heavens and earth - and all its reality. He does not leave us to our own devises, or the devises of any other "thing" animate or inanimate. He preserves the soul of His saints - believers. This is not something we even have to ask for ... this is just Who He is and what He does.

WHO: Music: Robin Calamaio. Lyrics: Isa 57:15, Ps 51:17, Ps 146:5, Ps 34:17, Isa 66:2b, Ps 107:10b, Isa 42:3, Ps 34:18, Ps 147:3.
WHAT: Standard Tuning, Acoustic 12 string guitar.
WHEN: Feb 20, 1982. I almost totally rewrote this in Feb 2023. Even changed name of the song from, "The Sacrifices of God" to "Never Despise".
WHERE: This would have been in Brookhaven, MS at Whitworth Bible College. Closed that spring.
WHY: I don't really remember. But I will say, that was my hardest time as a Christian. God will judge it all.

Garage Band Software
Vocals: Me - Natural Voice. God's "voice" - Natural Voice with slight reverb.
Narration voice - Bright Vocal
Guitar: Natural Stereo

Title: Sideways Drift - Chalkduster
Music Credit: Drifting - Baskerville
Lyrics Credit: Sideways Drift - Chalkduster

Song Lyrics:
- Me: Centered - Chalkduster.
- God: Centered - Didot Italics
- Narration: Split - Baskerville

Photo 1: 2023 miniature daffodil
Photo 2: Rocky Mountain National Park Fall 2022. Just majestic.
Photo 3: Somewhere in South Central Ky.
Photo 4: A Terrified Claire as I made her pose by our wisteria with bees everywhere. Even King, the cat, was interested.
Photo 5: Background of world map - His eyes "move to and fro over the face of the earth that He may strongly support the one whose heart is completely His" (2Chron 16:9).
Photo 6: Falltime Trumpet vine. Closest shot I have of a bruised reed.
Photo 7: My candle.
Photo 8: Over the Sea of Galilee. By my daughter Staci on trip there.
Photo 9: Another background world map.
Photo 10: Backyard wisteria - maybe 2020? Best it has ever been.

Here's the Commentary/Sermonette

If you are interested in learning the Bible's position on some particular topic, check out my website and scan the titles and see if you find my address of that topic.

Listen, learn, live!

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