Stand4THEE Friday Night Zoom March 3 2023

1 year ago

Digital ID and Grand Jury

It's hot on everyone's mind... digital ID. The sharing of our personal info across all government agencies creating a central database that includes healthcare and all related details about US.

We talk about YOUR rights and steps you can take NOW to protect YOUR personal information from being shared across agencies.

And we'll chat more about Grand Jury, what it is, why it ended in Canada and how we can bring it back NOW to hold the government accountable.

Read more about grand juries in this article written by Randy Hillier in 2010, read HERE

Links from the recording:
Ontario Religious Exemption for Childhood Immunization:

School Board Chamberlain v. Surrey School District No. 36, 2002 SCC 86
@Para [154] As developed at length above, it is well established in Canadian law that parents have the primary authority and responsibility for the moral and religious education of their children, and that responsibility is then delegated to teachers, administrators and schools: the state’s interest is secondary. In the context of the case at bar, the School Board is an instrument by which, in the absence of an already clearly developed consensus at the provincial level (whether pertaining to curriculum subject matter or to education resource materials), consensus is developed locally, a reflection of what parents deem is in their children’s best interests. These determinations must be consistent with the framework of the curriculum developed by the province, and, in my view, also complement that framework by permitting a more localized evaluation, based upon an individualized parental examination of their children’s needs.

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DISCLAIMER: All content on this site is for general information only, and should not be construed as legal advice.

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