February 21, 2023 Scott Taylor speaks at Kettering School Board Meeting CRT and Gender Identity

1 year ago

Full text of Scott Taylor's speech:

Background: Understand Rick Earley (Supervisor, Student Services), was caught on tape voicing intent to surreptitiously implement Critical Race Theory (CRT) and to withhold student information regarding gender identity issues from parents.

Opening: Good evening, I have come this evening to discus the topics of Critical Race Theory and Gender Identity issues that have recently come up.

Critical Race Theory

I find this shocking that educators even consider Critical Race Theory which classifies individuals as victims or abusers based on the color of their skin. That is a far cry from Dr. Martin Luther King Dream speech in which said "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

Classifying individuals as victims or oppressors serves no purpose other then creating division. The school should have no part of this.

We should be be helping students to have good character, believe that all men are created equal and encourage them in their drive for success.

In America people can determine their own dream and turn it into reality. In this country there is no place for victims and oppressors.

In the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill published in the 1930's there is a story of a negro five year old girl who demanded of a white man 25 cents stating her mama needed it. The white man threatened to beat her if she did not leave. She stood her ground and screamed "My Mama needs 25 cents". The white man put down her stick and gave her the 25 cents. In that moment that little girl was not a victim, she was in control of her future.

Gender Identity Disorder verses Gender Dysphoria

In 2013 Gender Identity Disorder was renamed to Gender Dysphoria. The former speaks of a disorder that suggest finding its root cause through counselling while the later stated it as a fear to be avoided. This change shifting the focus from understanding and resolution to affirmation.

You should read the book IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by Abigail Shrier. And the book What is a Woman by Matt Walsh if you want to know the truth about what the transgender craze is truly about.

In effect it is a manipulation of children for profit, and denying the truth that there are two genders that has existed for millenniums.

Some children latch onto gender dysphoria as a way of coping with trauma or other distress. A counsellor needs to determine the source of their trauma Instead of socially social transition followed by chemical mutilation without any disclosure to parents.

Imagine a son or daughter who comes to believe that being the other gender will solve their depression, the school affirms their transition further isolating them from their social base. Then chemically mutilated preventing entry into adult hood while not addressing the source of their depression while the drug and medical industry profit.

I urge you to focus on education instead of confusing and abusing children with gender identity.

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