My boyfriend accused me of lying about my body count BECAUSE..

1 year ago

My (19F) boyfriend (24m) accused me of lying about my body count because he said my pussy was not as tight as his ex’s
I have been dating my bf for around 2 months and this conversation recently came up when he started asking a lot of questions about my sexual past. I had only dated one guy before him to whom I lost my
v card to and I know my bf has had a much more extensive past. After this conversation, he started being weird and then accused me of lying and we argued back and forth until he exploded and said
“well your pussy is not as tight as my ex’s”. This obviously really hurt me and I haven’t talked to him in a few days but I’m looking for advice on what to do and if there is anything I can do to make my vagina tighter since I love him and want our sex life to be good.
After a lot of productive advice for OP, comments for this post are now locked. Thanks to all who gave constructive feedback to OP.
Dump him and move on. Know your worth!
Girl, dump his ass. He clearly doesn't understand basic anatomy, and what he said is a major red flag. Not to mention, it's verbally abusive.
Dump him and move on. You're only 19, there's a lot better out there for you.
Do not allow anyone this dumb to have access to your body.
Wasn’t the first in the queue when the good Lord was handing out brain cells, was he?!
If 10lb+ babies can't stretch it out, a high number of dicks aren't going to.
I just read the title. Dump him. I don’t promote idiots procreating and you don’t need to help him with any belief that he should. You can do a lot better.
Hes a flocking idiot
Your BF is a moron and an asshole.
This is not a partner you want to be with. A person that truly loves you will not compare you to his ex like that. This is a major red flag. My advice is to not listen to this jerk and to part ways with him. You deserve so much more than that in a relationship.
When you’re turned on your pussy becomes less tight, so his ex must’ve not been turned on and that’s why she was “tight” I’d dump his ass, and know your worth!
You should get a boyfriend that’s not a complete idiot.
He is immature and there’s a reason he’s not with someone his own age
Even if you talk it out and get over this fight he's so immature that there is bound to be another argument of similar stupidity over and over again. Is it worth it to have a relationship like that?
Hun, anyone who says this to a person is an asshole. Dump him
leave him the fact that he wants to be with a 19 year old when hes in his mid 20s is weird in itself
This body count thing is so dumb. You can sleep with ten guy each once and one guy 100 times. Vaginas just don't work like that.
Tell him it's not your fault his dick got too small from being squeezed by so many vaginas!
“I’ll let you know what my next boyfriend thinks”
Lmfao this dude, for sure, consumes Andrew Tate. Kick this smooth brain to the curb
Dump him immediately
What a flocking immature asshole. Leave him.
it's unbelievable how stupid men are. Coming from a man.
Congratulations your boyfriend has been awarded “todays gumby award”. Lots of red flags waiving, you should probably find one with a brain that works, who won’t judge and insult you on intimate topics.
he's an ass! If he wants you to be tighter.....look him dead in the eye and tell him to be bigger.
Among the many other major issues he has as a human, he has a fundamentally wrong understanding of human biology and the female body
Coming from a guy, if I were to have said that I would fully want the girl to dump me. Do yourself a favor and dump the asshole
It's almost like every body is different, your boyfriend is a dumbass and it's time to let him go.
Dumb guy
Leave his immature ass man
Any man who will criticize you for not having a tight enough vagina is not worth your time.
You're young and worth so much more than that! Get going girl! Find someone who will love you for who you are not who you have/haven't been with!
Ew, ew, ew. Your boyfriend is a disgusting person and you can do better.
Grossss run away
What a prick. You can do better.
Dude, here. flock that flocking guy. He's a goddamn caveman. You want to date a caveman?
Leave him. Please move on, who is he to judge you?
This dude is literally disgusting. The audacity. Dump his ass for god sakes

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