🍀 Sebastian Will Never Forgive Me for This | Hogwarts Legacy

1 year ago

Honor among Slytherin

#hogwartslegacy #harrypotter #gaming #pc #friends #slytherin

Jaeger: I was surprised to see the cruel options for side quests. I feel like its been a long time since a big release has let the player be unapologetically evil. Even more surprising was the lack of a morality gauge. I wonder if the game is secretly keeping track of Akari's evil deeds and if there is some kind punishment in the end. Sometimes evil endings turn out to be rather lame. And by that I mean sometimes the writers make the character get punished because the player was enjoying a dark side playthrough. I think the best way to write an evil ending is to just reward the player with more power or whatever. If you suddenly punish the player at the end it robs the player of enjoyment and feels preachy. I almost forgot to mention the Japanese term I was thinking of at the beginning is "Tsujigiri"
We had a lot of fun adding the chibi effects for this video. So many ideas made this ended up being the most effects that we used for our chibi in one video so far. I hope people actually get to see it because our previous video got much less views almost 90% less on YouTube and on Rumble its stuck on pending status. Maybe Akari's Slytheirn actions were to dark for the public. So fingers crossed on this one. Not much else to do but make more videos and hope for the best!

Akari: こんにちはみなさま!約一週間ぶりのWe Wara(笑)です!前回のホグワーツ、パート1の視聴回数が伸びず何か見えない力が働いているのか…?禁止用語言ったっけ…?などと思っておりましたが考えても分からないものは分からないのでパート2です!

About Our Channel: We are an international married couple that enjoys gaming together. Jaeger was born and raised in the USA and Akari was born and raised in Japan. Both of us have played games throughout our lives and when we met each and started gaming together we had so much more fun together. Unfortunately we had so many great gaming moments together that it became difficult to remember them all. We began saving videos and screenshots as we played together but eventually our storage space started to fill up. So we moved to YouTube where there is plenty of storage and it's safe from accidents. The channel name is "We" as in the English plural pronoun and 笑 read as "wara" for the Japanese kanji for laugh.

@we_wara @we_wara_extras​

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