Ch. 14 - Kidney Disease Stem Cell Treatment - The Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy 009

1 year ago
111 (833) 445-9089
Hey there, I'm Josh from Dream Body Clinic and in this video, I'm continuing our series called the Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy. Today's topic is all about kidney diseases and how mesenchymal stem cells can be a great option for treating them.

There are different types of kidney diseases out there and fortunately, we've seen tremendous success with our IV treatments for chronic degenerative or autoimmune-based conditions. However, it's important to note that stem cells cannot change your genetics or interact with your genes. Instead, they work via what's called the Pericrine effect, which involves sending out signals such as exosomes, cytokines, chemokines, and trophic factors to guide the healing process.

We've had patients with first degree, second degree, third degree, and even fourth degree renal failure who have seen great results with our IV treatments. The first and second degree renal failure patients have seen the best results, with a 300 million IV of stem cells typically restoring their GFR score to perfect working order. However, third degree renal failure patients can be a bit tougher to treat, and unfortunately, fourth degree is extremely challenging. Once a patient is on dialysis, the kidneys begin to shrink and it becomes difficult to achieve effective results.

Recently, we had a patient named Joe who only had one kidney and had been experiencing kidney and heart issues. Our mesenchymal stem cell therapy was able to increase his GFR score from around 40 to over 60 in a short period of time, which is a perfectly functioning range. We were also able to treat his heart issues, as stem cells delivered via IVs go straight to the heart and can regenerate it.

Stem cells also tend to go to the lungs and interact with cells on the way through, but about 20 to 30% get through to the kidneys if they're damaged or inflamed. In Joe's case, the stem cells got to his kidneys and guided the repair process, which was incredibly beneficial for him. He works on a big show in Vegas and was struggling with running around and doing his job. Our therapy allowed him to keep working and enjoy his job.

We've found that IV treatments are the most effective way to treat kidney diseases, as stem cells are able to get right to the inflamed areas and regenerate damaged tissues. They create a cellular matrix in the area, bringing in different cells, growth factors, cytokines, and other helpful components to aid in the healing process. They can even remove scar tissue and guide the removal of damaged tissue.

Overall, stem cell therapy has been incredibly effective for treating kidney diseases, and we've seen many patients achieve great results with our IV treatments.

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