The Lab-leak Blame Game: It’s a big gas-lighting and a very dangerous trap. Do Not Fall For It!

1 year ago

The Lab-leak Blame Game: It’s a big gas-lighting and a very dangerous trap. Do Not Fall For It!

Why all of the “sudden” among all distractions (I.e the cartoonish war of two Talmudic clowns Putin vs Zelensky) the “Wuhan lab leak” has turned into another cartoonish lab leak blame game between Wuhan China vs the Fort Detrick. Maryland USA!

Voilà! All kind of viruses particularity the so-called “Respiratory Viruses” including “corona viruses” are re-popping up! The “funny” thing is both of them CHINA and the USA have been trying their best to NOT to mention the fact that BOTH OF THEM HAVE BEEN WORKING IN TANDEM IN THOSE “RESEARCHES” with Australian and the UK labs for decades. And it is the USA that “has sponsored” them all! Go figure!

But Why do all of the “sudden” they officially and “deliberately” expose each other in public GLOBALLY ? Why’s that? You may ask!

To make all long conspiracy/gaslighting short: They are playing “medical nationalism” and want people to feel good that “after all our system works, the “truth is coming out”... But most evil and insidious of all, is that THEY are gaslighting people and set a dangerous "virus" trap by reinforcing the story that “viruses do exist” in those Labs, and did kill people during those “deadly leaks!”

You see folks, no matter what have happened, no matter how deceitful and wrong your governments “indirectly” admit. And no matter how angry people would be and mad at Governments, the VIRUSES MUST EXIST in people’s mind! People must believe that Viruses exist and very very deadly dangerous! That’s the whole purpose of this trap!

Consequentially , because of all these uncontrollable “leaks of deadly viruses that have been “gain of function,” pandemic after pandemic WILL be inevitably and unavoidably coming soon as consequences! So be prepared and ready… to obey!

You see, in order to fight these coming “deadly pandemics”, people must still need such criminal government and the criminal medical industry complex to “protect” and “save “ them from those deadly leaked viruses hanging and flying out there in the air with their “lockdowns”, digital ID and vax passports, and the non-stop “clotshot”!

Oh my! Oh my! How evil and how desperate THEY are!

Last but not least, I just wonder why this “REDACTED” has never mentioned or questioned the existence of the virus? It appears that REDACTED accepts the “virus” by default! It seems that REDACTED is on board with a bunch of shills e.g Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, Del Bigtree, Steve Kirsch etc in opposing Covid measures but dutifully keeping government and its “virus story”: alive!

That’s said. I would prefer to see REDACTED as a victim of this big gaslighting and this dangerous trap. I hope REDACTED will wake up the sooner the better!
But there are plenty of deadly poisonous chemicals and deadly man-made drugs "existing" in our food and water! Not to mention our breathing air!

As always, the last word is yours, folks!

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