USA can't delink from China economically not even by 10%

1 year ago

Republican Politicians in USA can say all the want that USA needs to delink the supply chain from China, the problem is USA imports goods from China is at 536 billion every year which is 19% of the imports of USA from the total 3.1 Trillion. And this is in 2022 after USA knew for a long time China supports Russia, after USA wanted to punish China somehow. The China's exports in 2018 were at 538 billion. As americans say it: both republicans and democrats are full of shit concerning China. Also USA has a trade deficit of 1 Trillion USD every year this means USA consumes 1 Trillion extra resources than it exports and much of this balance is fueled by China, 380 billion high trade deficit. In practical terms this means China buys USA with 380 billion a year. Even if they dont buy anything physical these are debts and bonds and other financial mechanisms. And China wont just erase the debt they will hang on to it like its opium.
The only real way to punish China and reduce the trade balance is for USA to stop buying from China. But this would mean less profits and USA would not be able to support its economy which unlike China is dependent on imports. USA has the biggest trade deficit in the world in volume. Its 3000 USD every year for each american. Practically this means each american has a debt of 3000 usd added every year to the world, and particularly more than 1000 USD per american to the Chinese communist regime. This is why China can press America hard now and be agressive. Unless americans and the government wont cut exports hard from China and trade with Europe and other parteners more to replace China, very soon the debt will be so high it wont be able to be paid and this will mean USA wont be able to do anything to China's government whatever they decide to do in Taiwan and other parts of the world, including supplying Russia with weapons. In essence USA feeds China, and its not just the USA government be it republican or democrat as the tides shift. Its also the regular USA people who think that spending more than they produce is a long term good ideea and no negative consequences will come because the USA military is strong and can armwrestle anyone on the planet. Maby they could military but economy feeds the military and China could just pull the plug on USA by raising the prices super high like Russia does to Europe. And in USA case this would be more of a hard hit than Russia on Europe. The trade deficit can be balanced if americans spend less and produce more. Trade deficits are encouraged by China as a way to control countries economically. In our age economy is more important than military and USA has finally realised this. The problem is that no one in USA atacks the main problem which is America's lifestyle

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