Questions Attorney General Eric Holder on Key Players Involved Fast & Furious Cover Up

1 year ago

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) questions Attorney General Eric Holder during a House Judiciary Committee on Operation Fast and Furious. Attorney General Eric Holder, made infamous by Operation Fast and Furious, is currently arguing before the Supreme Court that United Nations Treaties Trump the United States Constitution. That’s right. The sitting Attorney General, charged with upholding and defending the Constitution, is arguing before the highest court that international law is in fact the law of the land.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Thursday called the "Fast and Furious" gun-running operation "inappropriate and misguided" and pledged to correct "mistakes."

President Obama Lies to Univision About Operation Fast and Furious. Katie Pavlich News Editor, Townhall; September 21.2012 Yesterday, Univision reporter Jorge Ramos did the job the American press won't do by asking Barack Obama tough questions, including questions on the topic of Fast and Furious Scandal.

In prepared testimony before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, led by Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., Holder said "allowing guns to 'walk' -- whether in this administration or in the prior one -- is wholly unacceptable."

"This tactic of not interdicting weapons, despite having the ability and legal authority to do so, appears to have been adopted in a misguided effort to stem the alarming number of illegal firearms that are trafficked each year from the United States to Mexico," Holder said. "To be sure, stopping this dangerous flow of weapons is a laudable -- and critical -- goal. But attempting to achieve it by using such inappropriate tactics is neither acceptable nor excusable." Issa earlier threatened Holder with contempt of Congress if the Justice Department failed to deliver documents by a deadline next week, New World Order Reported.

Synonym for Gun A weapon is anything that is designed to, or is used to, cause damage to a person or animal. Gun is a category of weapons that have barrels and accelerate a projectile of some kind with an explosive. Also called firearms. Some weapons with similar forms are also called guns even though they do not use an explosive or a projectile.

Yes Tyrannical Government Gun Control Is The U.S.A. Now ? See and Read About Operation Fast and Furious, the largest gunwalking probe, the ATF monitored the sale of about 122,000+ firearms sold, of which only 710 were recovered as of February 2012. A number of straw purchasers have been arrested and indicted; however, as of October 2022 over 10,000 people dead so far none of the targeted and killed. Yes Right Now Our Tyrannical Government U.S.A. Is Sell Guns To Gangs Right Now. Red Flags Laws and U.S. Gangs... Back Ground Check's - Ha ha ha Really... You Are Being Funny Now, See Video (Fast & Furious) How it went down. The Real Number Now Are Over 1 Million Guns Sold with Out Any Back Ground Check Now as Dec. 31 2022 by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives- Sold To The Drugs Cartels - any criminal organization with the intention of supplying Sex Worker and drug trafficking and guns etc. operations and also Remember The Taliban takes control of Afghanistan - there is a big concern emerging. $85 billion worth of military guns and equipment left by the Americans is now under Taliban's control. As of Dec 31 2022 Sold Over 5 Million Weapons To 100s drug cartels all over the world Now... bang bang you're dead !

And when the guns started showing up at 1,000 crime scenes—including the 272 murder crime scene and a U.S. border patrol agent killed—the cover-up began. Death toll over 10,000+ and rising. That's the death tally for the Obama administration's "Operation Fast & Furious." The program was supposedly designed to "win the drug war" by deliberately walking more than two thousand guns across the border to Mexico. But instead of catching drug lords, Fast & Furious armed the very king pins it was supposed to trap. Despite the protests of gun store owners and ATF whistle-blowers, federal agents deliberately violated federal law—and common sense—and wound up placing American weapons into the hands of Mexico's most violent criminals. And when the guns started showing up at crime scenes—including the murder scene of a U.S. border patrol agent—the cover-up began.So reveals Townhall editor Katie Pavlich in her news-breaking exposé Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal. While the White House has claimed ignorance of the program, Pavlich debunks their lies, denials and excuses by demonstrating incontestable proof that President Obama and Attorney General Holder did willfully and knowingly sanction the program in order to advance their anti-second amendment agenda. A horrifying look at one of the bloodiest scandals in the history of the American presidency, Fast and Furious is this season's sensational, must-listen book that will rock America—and the Obama administration—to its core.

A failed attempt to stem gun smuggling along the U.S.-Mexican border was back in the news on Wednesday with the release of a report from the Justice Department’s internal watchdog that cleared Attorney General Eric Holder of any wrongdoing. However, two senior department officials have left their jobs.

Following are some facts about the case:

Congressional Republicans have pressed the controversy over the so-called Operation Fast and Furious ahead of Democratic President Barack Obama’s bid for re-election on November 6.

The operation, named after a movie about car racing, targeted gun trafficking rings feeding weapons to Mexican drug cartels.

In the process, critics of the effort say, U.S. agents in Arizona let slip into Mexico as many as 2,000 guns bought by low-level suspects. The political row had already cost the chief federal prosecutor in Arizona his job and on Wednesday he was joined by Justice Department officials Kenneth Melson and Jason Weinstein.

In June, the Republican-led House of Representatives found Holder, the chief U.S. law enforcement officer, head of the Justice Department and an Obama appointee, in contempt for not turning over documents about the affair. That prompted angry Democrats to stage a walkout.

At the heart of the controversy is U.S. gun politics, a sensitive issue, especially in the heat of a presidential election campaign.

Gun advocates say federal officials came up with Fast and Furious to pin border crime on gun dealers. Their opponents say the National Rifle Association ginned up the scandal to distract from border violence.

Below are six key dates in the dispute.

* October 2009: Operation Fast and Furious starts to take shape in the Phoenix office of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the agency within the Justice Department charged with enforcing federal gun laws.

The agents begin to track “straw buyers,” gun purchasers who are suspected of buying for others. Straw buying is illegal but can be difficult to prove. Eyeing the potential for an expansive case against a gun-smuggling ring, ATF agents decide not to pursue low-level buyers aggressively. As the case progresses slowly they assemble a database of suspect guns, including serial numbers.

* December 14, 2010: U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry is shot dead in a remote area of Arizona after a group of Mexican men who had crossed the border hoping to rob drug traffickers come across his unit.

The attackers leave behind evidence, including two semi-automatic rifles with serial numbers that match two in the Fast and Furious database. The rifles were purchased on a holiday weekend, and it is unclear whether ATF agents could have intercepted them.

Terry’s death leads to questions from reporters, gun-rights bloggers and lawmakers about the ATF’s tactics. In February, Holder asks for a review by the Justice Department’s inspector general.

A federal grand jury would later indict at least six men in Terry’s death. At least two are in custody.

* August 30, 2011: Holder reassigns Melson, the ATF’s acting director, to an unrelated job about legal policy, and Dennis Burke, the U.S. attorney for Arizona, resigns.

The two men are the first to lose their jobs as a result of the uproar over Fast and Furious, raising the stakes for other Obama administration officials tied to the operation.

Representative Darrell Issa, the Republican chairman of the House of Representatives Oversight Committee responsible for rooting out wrongdoing in government agencies, says he will continue to lead an inquiry into the operation “to ensure that blame isn’t offloaded on just a few individuals.”

Burke had questioned the motives of congressional staff, calling them “willing stooges for the gun lobby” in emails that later became public. Burke apologized.

* December 11, 2011: The Justice Department retracts a letter it sent to Congress on February 4, in the early days of questions about Fast and Furious. The letter denied that agents ever knowingly allowed suspicious guns to be trafficked. The retraction stokes speculation among lawmakers and other critics that there may be more the department is not revealing.

Justice officials say they relied on federal prosecutors and agents in Arizona in writing the letter.

In a separate letter in October, Holder writes that he had no early knowledge of the Fast and Furious tactics and the “misguided tactics” should never be used again. Lawmakers should spend more time finding ways to stop illegal guns, Holder writes.

* June 28, 2012: The Republican-led House votes 255-67 to find Holder in contempt, saying the Obama administration was withholding documents related to how it responded to the Fast and Furious scandal.

Many Democrats refuse to cast votes and stage a walkout from the House floor, calling the vote politically motivated.

The Justice Department says it provided thousands of documents to the House and wanted to continue negotiating for access to more. After talks fail, Obama claims executive privilege over the remaining records.

The House follows up with a lawsuit asking a judge to order Holder to comply with a subpoena. That request is pending.

* September 19, 2012: The Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael Horowitz, releases a report faulting 14 department employees for systematic failures that led the operation to go awry.

Melson retires effective immediately. Weinstein, a deputy in the department’s criminal division, resigns but launches a counter attack that calls the inspector general’s report inaccurate. He says he was singled out because of politicized congressional hearings.

Holder claims vindication in the report, which makes clear he did not conceive Fast and Furious and did not attempt a cover-up of the operation. Republicans find parts to like, too, as the report said the ATF disregarded public safety.

In the United States, a red flag law is a gun violence prevention law that permits a state court to order the temporary removal of firearms from a person who they believe may present a danger to others or themselves. A judge makes the determination to issue the order based on statements and actions made by the gun owner in question. It’s impossible to separate the traffic in humans, the traffic in drugs and guns, and the ambitions. They are all part of the same picture. any criminal organization with the intention of supplying drug trafficking operations. Good Luck With This One ?

With few exceptions for human trafficking and pedophile and gangs and sex and drug cartels , All State law requires people to meet certain criteria before they can carry, possess, or dispose of a firearm. These qualifying factors include the following:

Be a citizen of the United States.
Be at least 21 years old, except for honorably discharged individuals from either the New York National Guard or the United States Military.
Be of good moral character.
Never had a guardian appointed based on incapacity, mental illness, subnormal intelligence, or other condition or disease.
Never had a handgun license revoked.
Never civilly confined in a secure treatment facility.
Never convinced in all state or anywhere else of a felony or “serious offense.” The definition of “serious offense” includes acts like aiding in an escape from prison, child endangerment, disorderly conduct, illegally using a dangerous weapon, making burglar instruments, rape, receiving stolen property, sodomy, and unlawfully entering a building.
Never discharged from the military under dishonorable conditions.
Never involuntarily committed to a facility under the Department of Mental Hygiene’s jurisdiction.
Not be a fugitive from justice.
Not be an addicted or unlawful user of any controlled substance.
Not have a domestic violence restraining order filed against you.
Not illegally in the United States or admitted into the United States under a non-immigrant visa.
Not present any other “good cause” for denial of the license.
These are some of the most common reasons why people in New York are denied gun permits. Also, you will likely be required to complete a gun safety class before obtaining a firearm permit.

P.S. Remember... The Second Amendment Doesn’t Give Americans The “Right to bear Arms” It Prohibits the Government from ‘Disarming The People’. and It’s a protection from a possible Tyrannical Government Now! The Government does this Gun Control bit every year since 2008. And every year at least 10 million new guns are added to the 350 million we already have. For some reason, we don’t think “Gun Control” is the ‘real’ issue. It’s a great distraction and it causes division among the citizens. We think the Government is secure in their knowledge of their ‘new’ crowd control devices, that we know about, and their “Frequency and Earthquake Weapons” they think we don’t know about. We will be exploring their ‘new’ capabilities soon in greater detail. Yes We The People Of The New World Order Thank You!

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