Date w/ Idiocy: US Foundering Under Fantasy Tour as Blind Ideologues Reject Reality

1 year ago

Woke Leading Blind: SVB Bank Collapses as Corp had NO Risk Manager for 9 Months

The United States traded our historically high standards and commitment to reality for sleepwalking into a fantasy world where no positive outcomes are possible. Because our “elite” ideological fantasists avoid reality. Consider we have wholesale rejected everyday truths and the most basic facts. But as millions of illegals pour over the border, men pour into women’s sports, the poor drown under discretionary inflation, we all know how using cancel culture to kill American reality will tur nout.

Meanwhile, in an extraordinary act of insipid bravado, Silicon Valley Bank had NO HEAD OF RISK MANAGEMENT for almost a year while its European risk manager drowned the unguided Corp in woke training and self-congratulatory diversity celebrations. See DailyMail: “Silicon Valley Bank had NO head of 'risk assessment' for nine months before it collapsed...

“As woke boss for Europe, Middle East and Africa was busy organizing a month-long Pride campaign and a 'Lesbian Visibility Day.'” Collapsed lender Silicon Valley Bank operated without a chief risk officer between April 2022 and January 2023 while the operation's United Kingdom-based Chief Risk Officer stands accused of prioritizing pro-diversity initiatives over her actual role. This revelation comes after the firm became the largest bank to collapse since the 2008 financial crisis - disclosing a $1.8 billion loss in its finances. SVB's former head of risk, Laura Izurieta, who formerly performed a similar role for Capital One, left the bank in April 2022. She wasn't replaced until January 2023 when the bank hired Kim Olson, formerly of Japanese bank Sumitomo Mitsui.”

Eric Voegelin described this detachment from reality in his “New Science of Politics” address at the Walgreen lectures in Chicago 1951. He described the various aspects as follows:

1. A successful society must exist, according to Plato, as an ordered cosmion, or a representative of a cosmic order before it can likewise represent the truth of a human soul. Our society still carries the belief that humans have an active soul as a truism of Christian faith. This implies a civil and religious order, the second being articulated in a church. But also know that a human soul without an operating manual turns out to be meaningless.

Voegelin describes how society was civilized via the development of religious ideas then absorbed into secular society. Fellow German Carl Shmitt opens his Political Theology with a similar claim:

“All significant concepts of the modern theory of the state are secularized theological concepts not only because of their historical development—in which they were transferred from theology to the theory of the state, whereby, for example, the omnipotent God became the omnipotent lawgiver—but also because of their systematic structure, the recognition of which is necessary for a sociological consideration of these concepts. The exception in jurisprudence is analogous to the miracle in theology. Only by being aware of this analogy can we appreciate the manner in which the philosophical ideas of the state developed in the last centuries.”

2. Advanced Western society interprets its habits and ideals as transcendent, meaning – we're so limited in our ability to seek truth that what we currently believe is also assumed a timeless truth emanating from the deepest parts of reality. Even though it’s only recently accepted that trans, woke, gendered and post-capitalist has just been officially crowned as our resident truths.

3. That postmodern life is now Gnostic, or as we constantly observe, that our elites believe knowledge replaces faith for procuring salvation. Therefore, life as experienced today has a deadly essence and so we flee. It should be a vivid dream of mankind’s triumph over nature and all human suffering. But instead we’ve lied to ourselves and now exist in a nightmare.

4. We’re caught in an awful dilemma, whereas we flee in horror, yet tell ourselves we're in the midst of achieving unlimited success. We pursue dreams of unlimited life, world peace, and endless prosperity. Yet, since life is actually horrible, instead of rejecting the cause, we ignore the horrible effects & sleepwalk through life refusing to accept we are headed towards absolute disaster. Here, Voegelin describes the odd situation of the West’s reaction after winning WWII:

“The facts are trite, and yet it is perhaps not sufficiently realized that never before in the history of mankind has a world power used a victory deliberately for the purpose of creating a power vacuum to its own disadvantage. Again, as in previous contexts, it is necessary to warn that phenomena of this magnitude cannot be explained by ignorance and stupidity. These policies were pursued as a matter of principle, on the basis of Gnostic dream assumptions about the nature of man, about a mysterious evolution of mankind toward peace and world order. So, contact with reality is at least badly damaged and the pathological substitution of the dream world is fairly effective.”

5. So, life now is so deeply disconnected from reality, that at every step we are in dire danger of completely annihilating ourselves. For example, has there ever been a point where the West has been so blithe about starting a war with a nuclear power, like Russia, and been so casual about it, as in the Ukraine? Or, consider the implosion of SVB Bank which childishly assumed that being sufficiently woke meant all banking risk was exterminated.

Voegelin states, “one can speak of an inclination to disregard the structure of reality, of relaxing into the sweetness of existence, of a decline of civic morality, of a blindness to obvious dangers, and a reluctance to meet them with all seriousness.” Is that not where we are now?

But what happens when SCOTUS, the highest court in the land – can’t even define the most basic human building block on earth – a man and woman? How can we possibly think we will survive our destiny with truth and reality and still come out on top?

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