Climbing with a pre-installed Aerial Rescue Line: Experiment #1

4 years ago

Tree trimming and climbing with a pre-installed Aerial Rescue Line: Experiment #1 May 6, 2020

G'day friends, this is something that I have been wanting to experiment with for a while now: how much of a pain is it to climb and work a tree with a secondary climbing rope and system already set up and ready to go? Now, I know that this doesn't address any of the other factors, such as having someone on the ground who is competent enough to climb up and perform a rescue, having all of the necessary gear on hand at all times for that rescue, etc, etc, but I see this as the very first step towards that end goal: can we get in a habit of using a secondary line, and can we tolerate working around it? Join Tom and I as we experiment with this idea...
- Patrick

"We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master." - Ernest Hemingway

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- Patrick

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