💥WOMENS SUMO💥 Open Division World Championship

1 year ago

💥WOMENS SUMO💥 Open Division World Championship

In this video, we'll learn the best fighting technique for women using the Sumo wrestling style. This technique is known for its powerful strikes and takedowns, making it ideal for self-defense purposes.

If you're interested in learning a powerful fighting technique that will help you defend yourself, then watch this video! Sumo wrestling is a great style for women because it emphasizes takedowns and powerful strikes. This fighting style is perfect for beginners, and we'll teach you everything you need to know to start using it today!

⏩ MMAC Grappling Breakdown: https://bit.ly/3MFAnSe

⏩ Amazing 10 Women Sumo Wrestlers: https://bit.ly/3Mmxky9

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