The War on Women and a Biblical Answer to Female Happiness

1 year ago

Real women matter! You know, the old-fashioned kind—the ones with uteruses!
There is a war being raised against women and daughters.
Studies show women have never been so depressed and unhappy.

Why? We’ll look at some Spiritual Truths.

It’s Women’s History Month.
But, where does diversity lead?

The failure of the Sun Valley Bank. Sound extreme? I’ll show you the proof.

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Start [0:00]
▶ It’s Women’s History Month [1:27]
▶ Are single childless women happier? [2:05]
▶ What is the Biblical Answer to Female Happiness? [4:35]
▶ Catholic California Gov Newson cancels Walgreens over abortion pill [6:24]
▶ How are women outpacing men? [7:53]
▶ Should women study the Bible and Theology? [8:44]
▶ The feminization of the American University [9:30]
▶ How do men and women differ in dealing with difficult truths? [11:30]
▶ Stanford University has a Taylor Swift song course [14:46]
▶ How are we failing our children? [15:40]
▶ Female students face motherhood penalty [16:15]
▶ Pleasant Grove Highschool Youth Drag Performance at Multicultural Expo [19:04]
▶ Nicole Solas sued by school NEARI teacher’s union for questioning kindergarten gender curriculum [21:48]
▶ 6000 public schools hide children’s gender from parents [25:55]
▶ Is Tiktok different for viewers in China vs US? [27:20]
▶ Pastor warns about Jeffrey Marsh Going No Contact Tiktok [27:56]
▶ Catholic President Biden wants to make transgender surgeries law [29:58]
▶ The demonic war being waged against young girls [32:20]
▶ Jill Biden gives International Women’s Courage Award to a man [35:20]
▶ Indiana Medical School students subjected to DEI Gender Diversity [37:03]
▶ Male trans MMA fighter beats Female [41:10]
▶ Why is the government protecting the deposits at Sun Valley Bank? [43:00]
▶ Why did the Sun Valley Bank fail? [43:55]
▶ Why does the attack on women matter? [47:58]
▶ Is your health and happiness related to your political ideology? [49:00]
▶ Is the patriarchy the problem? [53:00]
▶ Pastor explains verse 1 Timothy 2: 12-15 women remain quiet [54:00]
▶ Why do conservative women report being happier? [57:00]
▶ What should we be doing for our daughters? [58:33]
▶ Pastor reviews Jesus Revolution Movie [59:37]

In Loco Masculi the feminization of the American University is all but complete,MIT%2C%20Harvard%2C%20and%20Columbia

Female Students Could Face the Motherhood Penalty

Over 50% of liberal white women under 30 have mental health issue

Is your health related to your political ideology?

Nicole Solas served with lawsuit from teacher union NEARI

Nearly 6,000 US public schools hide child’s gender status from parents

Jeffrey Marsh Tiktok

Silicon Valley Bank is the second-biggest bank crash in US history Here’s what it means for your money

Risk Assessment Chief at Major Failed Bank Organized LGBT Pride Events and Safe Spaces Before Everything Collapsed Independent Journal Review

Go woke go broke! SVB hired board obsessed with diversity, invested $5BN for healthier planet and held month-long Pride celebration but had no Chief Risk Operator

Indiana Medical Students subjected to DEI Instruction on gender as part of basic human structure course

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