So, the Antichrist calls in to Owen Shroyer

1 year ago

**This is his plan that he wants released below**

Ten Free Americas protected by converted saved Nazis
(The Fourth Reich of Christ)

Full plans for America 2.0 and The Global Republic (Our Founders would want)
Global Republic plans:
First. Finish the wall and seal the border. Then send the Canadian and American military South of the border all the way down to Panama to prepare them for proper interface with the North.
Second. Have a Convention of States and dissolve the United States of America. Steps two and three are accomplished simultaneously.
Third. Re-Form the new United States to include all previous territories and will span from Panama to Alaska including Japan creating America 2.0.
This will be the first formed nation of the new order that will be based upon the pre-progressive era (pre-1913) U.S. Constitution and governmental structure. It will serve as the template for the rest to follow. If we do not take Central America now, Russia and China will.
Canada is a land mass led by a leftist clown and they have no real military. They should simply be taken at this point. They will be glad to merge with us if the plans here prescribed are carried out.
The Great and Little Satan must be destroyed in the eyes of Muslims. America must transform and revert to our original pre-1913 constitution, Israel must become secular and join the EU which must also adopt our original constitution. This will allow for Islam to reform and Jerusalem must become the capital of the New Order or what will become known as the Global Republic. If we don't protect and expand what our Founders created it will shrink and die.
There is no other rational choice and the plans can unite the Left and the Right once a lifeboat Constitutionalist Party is formed for the people to coalesce in. The other two parties must collapse and can then re-form without the corruption. We must always have a minimum of three viable parties to avoid the Orwellian split reality and perpetual civil war.
For those who say this is the evil plan of the Beast, the ten nations are logically created through the geography and cultures of the world. The Soros version will naturally take the same format but enslave mankind. The plans I have laid out will counter that and free the world the way America’s founders would rightfully want. If you don’t like the plan, provide a better one OR YOU WILL BE GETTING THE MARXIST SOROS ONE.
The following are three plans that will allow for Global Reconstruction and the New World Order or Global Republic:
Urgent consideration needs to be given to the merging major Rail Lines with the various airline conglomerates to form Air/Rail companies. The building of global networks of superconductive mag-lev train lines along with state of the art nuclear power plants, from which they will draw their power, will create many urgently needed jobs and provide the world with much needed infra-structure. Mag-lev lines are being built around the world and the technology is now sound enough for all countries to go forward with this project which will serve as the main conduit for the flow of travel, goods, power and data as well.
Air/Rail companies will benefit from the diversification of their resources and revenues while the country will benefit by having the necessary means of transportation that can now be provided to them. Paid for by The Full Faith and Credit of each respective nation, this plan will instill confidence in the people world as they cope with their own versions of the Global Economic Collapse.
In regards to nuclear waste, technology has advanced to such a degree that we can now safely consolidate and secure radioactive waste to remove it from the planet. Advances in nano-technology allow for a super strong tether to space that an elevator can ascend and descend carrying payloads of any type into orbit. After delivering radioactive material into space, the highly reinforced thermal resistant radioactive payload would be directed into the sun using a space based rail-gun that would fire the waste to its final destination. Additionally, state of the art nuclear plants could work in conjunction with coastal de-salinization plants that could produce much needed water and liquid hydrogen to fuel future hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles. The tether could be destroyed by ground and space based lasers if it is damaged or becomes unstable in an emergency. Use of Helium-3 will eventually be common.
Plan II.
The following is a basic description of a Mega-Structure which would serve as a totally self-contained miniature city the purpose of which is to begin to reverse the negative human impact or “footprint” on the Earth. The reason to reverse the human “footprint” is obvious and does not merit serious discussion. People’s wants and needs are all basically the same, but our collective need for pristine environment within close proximity far outweighs the individual’s desire for land to be chopped up and dotted with the endless sea of urban sprawl that has turned the world into a Frankenstein like planet. Those who would lose land to this necessary terra forming should be compensated fairly.
The Mega-Structure would be approximately 200 stories tall, built in an hour-glass configuration, much like the cooling tower of a nuclear power plant. It would contain a double-helix super structure with pistons for flexibility and carbon fiber reinforced bricks as the main building medium. It would have a rounded bottom that would rest on a huge crater filled with 10’ diameter steel balls filled with recycled plastic. The design will be resistant to seismic activity and allow for great longevity due to its strength and simple design. The structure would have four cores that back each other up should one to three of them fail. Each would serve as the main conduits for utilities including elevator shafts and would be located in the base of the structure. The lower half of the structure would be solid living and business quarters, in the middle of the structure would be a huge atrium where you could look up and see the sky through the top half of the structure that is lined with terraced balconies. The walls of the structure would have large openings in the center to allow for more light and exposure to the middle atrium. There are no corners in any rooms for strength and aesthetics.
Each Mega-Structure can be built using prisoners supervised by the Nation’s military. Mega-Structures can have a cultural theme with individual levels representing different time eras for aesthetics and cultural preservation.
The Mega structures would be surrounded by pristine environments that would be maintained as such, but special communities could exist outside the structure to preserve cultural integrity and tradition. The Mega-Structure could be linked to cities and other Mega-Structures via Mag-Lev and by road. The structure should be made strong enough and in such a manner that when the technology arises to move the structure through gravitational force, its structural integrity will allow for it. In the distant future, the structures may be encapsulated and retrofitted to allow for possible deep space travel to other destinations. The plans for a saucer type craft that comes to a point underneath are described in Ezekiel and match up perfectly like a top that would fit into this megastructure to allow it to be moved gravitationally. The structure could then be moved through time and space theoretically. Quantum physics supports this.
Plan III.
The following plan should be perceived as an expansion of democracy and a further evolvement of the United Nations whose role in global affairs is a vital one although it is structurally ineffective in handling them. Environmental, social and political events dictate the need for a concerted effort in dealing with the matters that affect us in a collective way such as terrorism, poverty, pollution and overpopulation. A platform must be created upon which reasonable minds can reach agreement and create positive change. The vision that I am presenting is one which can only be realized when accepted by all.
The world should be divided into Ten Nations that are determined by geography, culture, economy and environment. An example of this progression can be seen in the European Union whose success will require their adopting the original pre-1913 U.S. constitution as their own. When complete, the European Union should include Eastern European countries desiring to join and stretch down south through Greece, Turkey, Lebanon (should it wish), and Israel. The United States should expand south to include Panama, North to include Canada and East to include Japan. A decision by Japan will likely have to be made as to whether the country will join the East or West. I am confident they will choose as I have described. South America would then form another democratic nation similarly. The Middle Eastern Nation should span from Morocco across North Africa, North to Syria, South to Yemen and East to include Pakistan.
Africa remains intact below the Middle Eastern Nation and should include Madagascar in the formation of an African Democratic Nation. The former Soviet Union, excluding countries going to the European Union, should reunite to form a Northern Asian Nation. India should unite with Bangladesh and Sri Lanka to form their Democratic nation. China would expand to include its neighboring Asian countries in order that it may form a Southern Asian Nation that must be Democratic as the others for this Federation to succeed. Indonesia with a united Papua also would form a Democratic nation and Australia along with New Zealand, Tasmania and Islands nearby that are not already part of a Democratic nation would form the last Democratic nation. The North and South Pole would be governed by the Federation of Democratic Nations.
Lunar, Martian and other territories which may be possible in the future would similarly be governed by the Federation. Three of the Democratic nations converge on the Middle East, whose geographic, cultural and religious significance would logically place the capital of the Federation in Jerusalem where the Presidents of the Ten Nations of the Federation would meet physically or through telecommunications. A Unified Constitution, with unified labor and environmental laws along with one World Dollar are also necessary for this plan to succeed. Redistricting within each nation should be guided by cultural, economic and environmental concerns. The sharing of technology without political divides may be attained as well as the proper distribution of resources to eliminate poverty and restore the environment. The decoding of DNA will allow for the advancement of medical treatment, preservation of endangered species (through cloning when necessary), security, law enforcement and financial concerns. Currency should never be totally eliminated nor should indigenous peoples be forced to be part of any system they do not wish to accept. Socialism and Communism must be totally banned. Total accountability of all people should never be attempted. This system of government should be regarded as organic in nature, a natural progression insuring the God given Right of Freedom protected by Democracy as interpreted by a Living Constitution. © 2001
All nations must accept the original pre-1913 U.S. constitution as their own.
Soros plans or mine. Choose wisely.
The only way a single payer healthcare system will possibly work is if we merged with Canada and Central America (after the wall is built) using the Convention of States (Article V of the Constitution) to stop all illegal immigration. A single payer system would have to be added to the Constitution. Our current system has been destroyed by Obamacare. With the single payer system I see as possibly workable, we would have to rely upon the plateaued medical technology and economies of scale with the goal of avoiding death panels for those who are terminal. The basic plan would be like a cake with different frostings or “plans” offered by traditional insurance companies, which have more expensive treatments and options such as stem cell therapy and longevity treatment (evolving sciences). People who are capable will work hard to attain the higher levels. Those who cannot can receive higher level treatment as the system and budget allows. The technology to freeze these people will eventually arise in the near future so they can be saved later. America 2.0 needed for this to work. This would have to be added to the constitution as it is currently unconstitutional.
We need to seal the border, then merge with Canada and Central America after resetting the constitution to its original format with originalist updates. This creates America 2.0 or New America.
Dennis R. Torii, Jr.
St. Cloud, FL

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