pedophile Drag Queen Story Hour event in San Francisco.

1 year ago


Children do not need to be entertained by this profession it is geared towards Adults for entertainment NOT CHILDREN!!!!

Luke 17:2
2 It would be better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the sea than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.

Several men call out an alleged pedophile who had YouTube videos talking about child sexuality at a Drag Queen Story Hour event in San Francisco.

Proud Boys Storm Drag Queen Story Hour, Hate Crime Probe Launched

Proud Boys storm San Francisco ‘Drag Queen Story Hour
Republicans Harass Children at LGBTQ Event (Again)

Far-Right Extremists’ Alert!

Mother reveals books in school libraries depicting child porn and pedophilia
The school board tried to prevent the mother from reading from the book by claiming that there were children in the audience.

Albert Alfonso Garza was convicted of sexually assaulting a boy in 2006

In October 2019 we received multiple inquiries from readers about the accuracy of reports claiming that a drag queen who performed at a public library in Houston, Texas,
was a registered sex offender who had been convicted of sexually assaulting an eight year-old boy.

Back in March 2019, The New American website posted an article with the headline "Drag Queen Who Read to Kids at Houston Library is Convicted Pedophile," which reported that
"A drag queen who read stories to children at a Houston public library last year is a convicted pedophile considered to be at risk of repeating his offense — a fact uncovered by parents opposed to 'Drag Queen Storytime,' not by library officials, law enforcement, or the supposed watchdog news media."

A registered child sex offender has been reading to children at Houston Public Library as part of its Drag Queen Storytime. A group called Mass Resistance, which has been trying to put an end to the program, contacted KHOU about the child sex offender ...
A media spokesperson for the library confirmed one of the program’s drag queens, Tatiana Mala Nina, is Alberto [sic] Garza,
a 32-year-old child sex offender. In 2008, he was convicted of assaulting an 8-year-old boy."

On YouTube’s Digital Playground, an Open Gate for Pedophiles

original found on tick tock

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