Chuck Todd: "For Those Spreading Misinformation, Shame On You; I Don't Know How You Sleep At Night!"

1 year ago

Source: Sunfellow On COVID-19

MSNBC host Chuck Todd on Thursday slammed television hosts for "spreading misinformation" about the COVID virus and the vaccine.

CHUCK TODD: "And we’ve got some breaking coronavirus news just now from the CDC Dr. Rochelle Walensky who is briefing right now as the country once again is moving in the wrong direction on this virus. Walensky says there has been a 10% increase in cases since last week, 25% of those increase in cases are the delta variant. She called the delta variant quote hyper transmissible and that it’s spread is being fueled by communities with low vaccinations rates. Director Walensky said that over 1,000 counties have the vaccination less than 50%.

"Folks, nearly 10,000 people died in the month of June, they were needless deaths. Please get vaccinated. If you know someone who is not vaccinated, find a way to convince them to get vaccinated. Literally the only people dying are the unvaccinated.

"For those spreading misinformation, shame on you. Shame on you. People are needlessly dying because of your misinformation. Think about it. I don't know how some of you sleep at night who are doing this for a living on television."


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