Immigration is Anti-Black Racism

1 year ago

New research by #CarolSwain, professor of law and political science at Vanderbilt University, found that illegal immigration is hurting African Americans.
In her essay in the newly released volume #DebatingImmigration, which Professor Swain edited, she said that
1. African Americans are losing more jobs to illegal immigrants than to other racial or ethnic groups, yet low-income black workers don’t have political input in the debate.
“African Americans have been left devoid of a strong black voice in Congress on a topic that affects them deeply, given their high unemployment rates and historic struggle to get quality housing, health care, education and other goods and services,”
Professor Swain based her comments on a study conducted by the Pew Hispanic Center, which found high unemployment rates among African Americans and Hispanics were partially attributed to the large number of low-skilled immigrants. She added that lax or non-existent immigration rules help businesses get away with hiring illegal immigrants rather than legal workers.
2. “The greatest competition occurs among people at the margins of society, a multi-racial group that includes poorly educated blacks, whites and Hispanics who compete against each other and against new immigrants for low-wage, low-skill jobs,”

By many measures, the economic gap between Black and white workers has gotten worse in recent years. In 1970, for instance, Black men earned 59% as much as white men. By 2019, that figure had dipped to 56%. For decades, unemployment rates among Black Americans have consistently been about double those for white Americans.

There is no single explanation for these racial disparities, of course. But decades of mass immigration have almost certainly made the problem worse.

3. Cuts in governmental programs, like student loans, make it harder for low-income African American students to train for higher paying jobs. Some African Americans feel threatened by surges of immigrants to the United States, she notes, because of the immigrants’ potential impact on affirmative action.

Whereas immigrants accounted for just 4.7% of the population in 1970, they now make up over 13.7% — an almost three-fold increase.

In Addition, company are choosing to hire illegal immigrants from South America and replacing non Spanish speaking people. I personally experienced this.

Affirmative Action was meant to address the education and employment gap, but it has largely failed because every minority groups, and disable individuals no compete with Black people. A perfect example is corporate America focus diversity.

Any parallel between immigrant issues and the black civil rights movement is weak. “Most illegal immigrants have willingly left their homelands to seek their fortunes in a more prosperous nation. They were not brought in chains,”
4. By not taking a stand on immigration, the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) is ignoring the interests of their constituency. The CBC does not list immigration reform as a legislative priority.

5. Some of the lawmakers in the CBC have large numbers of Hispanic constituents in their districts, which may lead to a conflict of interest,

Many Black lawmakers in Congress are working to grant amnesty to over 6 million illegal aliens — a number that would likely be much higher — a move that’d immediately increase labor market competition and encourage more people to come here illegally in the hopes of future amnesties. Black lawmakers also want to increase the number of green cards available for legal immigrants.

The Congressional Black Caucus has endorsed amnesty and an increase in annual immigration. Why? The CBC has put forward no reasonable explanation. Its members haven’t made a case for how increasing immigration will benefit Black Americans.
The goal for Black leaders is to ensured that the US immigration policy needs to be primarily focused on the well-being of those of us already here
It’s undeniable that mass immigration has come at a substantial cost to Black Americans. That doesn’t mean that immigrants don’t deserve our compassion, or that immigration is the sole cause of racial disparities in our nation.

6. Unless there are big changes within the CBC believes there will not be official black representation on the immigration issue, which is hurting African Americans.

And if we want to create a fairer economy, we can no longer ignore legal and illegal immigration’s unique contribution to racial inequality. #RolandMartinUnfiltered #DonaldTrump
00:00 Introduction
00:55 Lost of Job
02:30 Competition at the margin
05:40 Cuts in government Programs
13:15 No Stance from the Congressional Black Caucus
15:07 Conflict of Interest
21:25 No future Black representation

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