1 year ago

Rudy Giuliani Typhoon Investigations Hunter BIDEN crime FAMILY. House GOP committee investigating Hunter Biden found that he, and other Biden family members, indirectly received $1 million from a Chinese company. No ties to the President were provided, and he has long maintained he had no involvement with his family's business dealings.
Wojcicki talked up YouTube’s removal of QAnon videos without giving many specifics. “We also have already removed a lot of it, in terms of hundreds of thousands of videos because it could violate other parts of our policies: hate, harassment, COVID information,” she said. “There's been quite a lot of videos that have been taken down or the views have been reduced."

This claim follows a similar tactic used by Facebook in explaining its belated decision to remove QAnon content: loudly announcing the removal without actually taking strong community enforcement actions.

When asked why there was resistance to outright banning QAnon content on YouTube, Wojcicki replied: “I think with every policy, it has to be defined very clearly. Like what does that exactly mean, a QAnon group exactly?”

The channels we defined as “QAnon channels” support and peddle claims consistent with the QAnon conspiracy theory to millions of users. Media Matters identified the channels below by searching common QAnon terminology such as “WWG1WGA” (a QAnon slogan meaning “Where We Go One, We Go All”), “Red October,” “the storm,” or simply “QAnon.” (“Red October” and “the storm” both refer to the central QAnon prediction that President Donald Trump will be ordering mass arrests of his political enemies, members of the so-called “deep state,” who will then stand trial and face execution for treason and other supposed crimes.)

YouTube’s hesitation to quickly condemn QAnon and remove content affiliated with the conspiracy theory should not be overlooked. For years, the company has enabled QAnon content creators to radicalize other users and spread misinformation campaigns. The FBI even classified QAnon as a domestic terrorist threat last year following several arrests and incidents of violence, so there is no room for YouTube to deny that the conspiracy theory is dangerous.

Of the 17 QAnon YouTube channels identified by Media Matters, many appear to contain multiple examples of misinformation that explicitly violates YouTube’s community guidelines by circulating false and misleading claims about the election, mail-in voting, the coronavirus pandemic, and more. Other YouTube videos from some of the QAnon channels shown below even appear to promote violence. These 17 channels combined have more than 4.7 million subscribers.
The former New York City mayor has been the subject of investigations and FBI scrutiny since two business associates were arrested in 2019 in a separate case. But in an exclusive interview with News 4, Giuliani emphatically maintained that he did nothing wrong — becoming seemingly fixated on declaring his innocence.

"I committed no crime, and if you think I committed a crime, you're probably really stupid, because you don't know who I am," Giuliani said, as an investigation looms into whether he was working as an unregistered lobbyist for Ukrainian officials.

He said that he was working for then-President Donald Trump as his lawyer at the time.

"Is the guy who put the mafia in jail, terrorists in jail, Ed Koch's commissioners in jail, and the worst people on Wall Street — I'm not going to file (a form)? I mean, that's just crazy," he said.

Giuliani initially agreed to speak with NBC New York at the World Trade Center Memorial in Lower Manhattan for an upcoming story about the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks. But it was clear there were other things weighing on his mind: The fallout from the recent election, and the fact that he's still facing criminal investigation.

Giuliani voiced frustration at the FBI searches of his home and law office, calling the investigation misguided and politically motivated.
YouTube’s complete condemnation and removal of QAnon content is far overdue.

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