Some people fall asleep even after 8 hours of sleep, May be Cause of disease

1 year ago

The biological clock of our body determines who sleeps. A special part of the brain has a clock that tells when it is day and when it is night. The biological clock tells the body when it is day and when it is night. Those whose sleeping pattern is like that, will get sleep only at that time. Doctors believe that 8 hours of sleep a day is ideal. But many people can't sleep for 8 hours uninterrupted due to various demands of daily life. Some people do not sleep despite being tired. Some people fall asleep even after 8 hours of sleep. The share of sleep in their whole day is very high. The amount of daily sleep increases in any disease.

The biological clock of our body determines who sleeps. A special part of the brain has a clock that tells when it is day and when it is night. The biological clock tells the body when it is day and when it is night. Those whose sleeping pattern is like that, will get sleep only at that time. Doctors believe that 8 hours of sleep a day is ideal. But many people can't sleep for 8 hours uninterrupted due to various demands of daily life. Some people do not sleep despite being tired. Some people fall asleep even after 8 hours of sleep. The share of sleep in their whole day is very high. The amount of daily sleep increases in any disease.

Doctor tells us that there are two parts in our sleep, mainly REM (REM i.e. rapid eye movement) and NREM i.e. non-rapid eye movement. These two phases occur within 4 hours. Two such stages of 4 hours each, a total of 8 hours of sleep is required. Generally, after 8 hours of sleep, the body should not feel tired anymore. But those who still have fatigue, must understand that there is a disease in the body.
What illness causes more sleep?

Doctor says,
Hypothyroidism causes excessive sleepiness. The body does not get energy from anything. Symptoms of hypothyroidism are - Inadequate secretion of hormones can cause various reactions in the body. For example - digestive problems, feeling tired, excessive hair fall, weight gain etc. Other symptoms can also cause problems.
Excessive fatigue and sleepiness
dry skin
brittle nails
muscle weakness
A restless feeling in the brain
mood swings
Deterioration of gut health
Swelling of the face
Swelling of other organs
in this case does not increase energy even if you sleep. But the fatigue remains.

Addison's disease: In this case, if the steroid hormones in our body are not released in the right amount, the body becomes weak. In that case, the weakness does not want to cut anything. Can get extra sleep for this.

Not getting enough sleep at the right time: Those who do not get enough sleep or sleep intermittently, feel tired throughout the day. For those who work in different shifts, the sleeping time is not the same every day. So he does not want to get tired even after sleeping.

Lack of sleep is like a disease, excess sleep is also caused by a disease. So if the body does not get tired even after sleeping enough, then you must consult a doctor.

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