Expert Guide to Conspiracy Theories part 1 – How to Spot One. A Mainstream Analysis

1 year ago

Expert Guide to Conspiracy Theories part 1 – How to Spot One. A Mainstream Analysis, with my Commentary
See video description below towards end.
The Traditional use of the Term Conspiracy Theory is now upon the verge of becoming Obsolete.
The vast majority of what would have been called a Conspiracy Theory can not only be PROVEN, but those who are Committing these Crimes Against Humanity are now OPENLY TELLING US THEIR PLANS.
That would place these so called Conspiracy Theorist's in the Category of:
Citizen Journalist's
Government Watch Groups
Human Rights Violation Researchers
It is these very same types of people who were CALLED Conspiracy Theorist's who have now Conclusively Proven most of their claims to be Established Fact.
This never could have happened without the relentless efforts of the masses themselves.
Conspiracy Theories have moved from the Fringe of Society to the Mainstream of Public Belief.
1: A term adapted and Weaponized by the CIA , used as a means to Discredit and Ridicule those who EXPOSE Crimes Committed by Government, Politicians, Corporations, etc. Especially Crimes Committed by the CIA.
2: A term used by those who Trust the Government, Politicians, the Main Stream News and Authority Figures to describe the claims made by those who Distrust the Government and accuse them of Committing or Planning to Commit Crimes or to Violate our Constitutional Rights.
3: A term used by those who are not smart enough to understand the Crimes being Commited Against Humanity-
Those who are Too Lazy to Research the Facts for themselves-
Those who are Too Weak to Face the Truth and chose to Ignore the Facts Instead.
A Conspiracy Theorist is: Someone who doesn't believe that the Government, Politicians, Corporations and Authority Figures Commit Crimes or Plan to Violate our Constitutional Rights. (That is the Stupidest Theory of All)
Just 2 years ago the claims that Covid -19 was Created in a Lab, or that the mRNA Vaccine was DANGEROUS are now Proven Facts.
And the major problem is that, it is the Official Government Narrative that is Spurious to begin with, and that those who are accused of promoting a Conspiracy Theory are Blocked and Censored from presenting their Evidence or Debating the Official Narrative.
@OratorBlog 3-22-2023
Urban Dictionary:
Conspiracy Theory
1. A bizarre, often improbable "theory" about something; it can be anything.
2. A pejorative term used to dismiss people who see through the federal government's bullshit.
Conspiracy Theory
The new SPOILER ALERT. After the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic where the majority of the theories deemed to be conspiracy actually happened or were proven to be true, the word got its new meaning since those theories being called "conspiracy theory" will probably happen a couple of months later.
Nowadays, as mentioned above, the term is often used to dismiss people who don't believe a word the government says.

Expert Guide to Conspiracy Theories part 1 – How to Spot One. A Mainstream Analysis
Jan 22, 2021
(Problem is that these Academics imply that many subjects that CAN BE PROVEN are still refered to as SPECULATIVE)
There are a lot of conspiracy theories out there. Some are bizarre – like the idea that Elvis faked his own death. Or that Britain’s royal family are actually shape-shifting alien lizards. A growing number of people believe the world is flat.
A lot of conspiracy theories relate to politics. That 9/11 was orchestrated by the US government so it could start wars in the Middle East. Or that powerful groups like the Illuminati are pulling the strings behind the scenes, plotting to establish a New World Order. Or that the new coronavirus is a bio-weapon engineered by the CIA.
Part one of the series explores what these many different ideas have in common and grapples with what actually makes something a conspiracy theory.
We speak to Peter Knight, professor of American studies at the University of Manchester. He says there are three important characteristics to conspiracy theories: First, that nothing happens by accident.
The idea that in history, there are no coincidences, no cock-ups. The second idea is that nothing is as it seems. The suggestion that you need to look beneath the surface to detect the actions and the intentions of the evil conspirators.
And the third idea is that everything is connected.One of the difficulties with defining conspiracy theories is the fact that history is littered with real plots and conspiracies.
Jovan Byford, senior lecturer in social psychology at the Open University, tells us how to spot the difference. We also speak to Clare Birchall, reader in contemporary culture at King’s College London. She challenges us to consider who we label a conspiracy theorist and why.
We find out how many conspiracy theories that sound outlandish make a lot more sense when you scratch beneath the surface of why people believe in them.
Andrew McKenzie-McHarg, senior research fellow at the Australian Catholic University, explains how the term conspiracy theory evolved from simply being a neutral theory about a conspiracy to a more loaded term. And Quassim Cassam, philosophy professor at the University of Warwick, argues that conspiracy theories are always a form of political propaganda. He says we must be aware of what ideology they are pushing and we must differentiate between the producers of conspiracy theories and those that believe in them.
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