5 clues you are suffering because of God [Job's book studies_ Chap.18-19]

1 year ago

He knows that only God knows what is happening. He has therefore already identified the five elements that we are talking about in this part and he knows that he is under these 5 elements. This is why even his friends are proof that it is God who is acting on him at the very moment of his ordeal. If you have an ordeal, I wish you through these five elements to be able to identify that it is God who is experiencing you. It may also happen that you are not in these five elements, know while you are in the most essential test of your life and so you have to do everything to change mentality quickly. These 5 elements that I quote are essentially for those who have the knowledge of God and who know how to identify signs, circumstances and events. If you do not have once deep in God do not put these signs directly on you, but if you manage to identify them know that this is exactly what happens to those who God call and to those who accept to be elected For the cause of the kingdom.
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